New addition required.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Great suggestion friends - you stated some extremely valid points, good thinking :o)

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    it might be helpful if you could reference a site that holds the information we're looking for

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    lol people are idiots. Its like they didnt study poetry in school.

    I think that this is a great idea, Friends~

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    We studied poetry unmercifully in my school every year. I know that many public schools do this as well, in OR at least, so I assumed everywhere would do a small study of poetry and read some great poets of history, etc. It is good for well rounding, but yes, I did go to a nice high school.

    Anyway I think that the forms are a good idea, but just consider that most of the teenagers on these forums would never do form work; nor would they really care too much about reading them. This site is more casual poets than anything else, but for those of us that can appreciate the technique and discipline that it takes to write a good form it would be a great addition.

    What we could do is in the "submit poem" page have a box that says, "What form is this poem?" And then have categories there, like haiku, sonnet, free form, ballad, limerick, etc. Then the form name would go right beneath the category, for instance:



    Love, Free form

    This way we could see what it was, and we could make the type of poem a link that anyone could click on and it would send us to a page that describes what form that is.

    Then it would be nice if we could do a poem search by form, or if we could have a "form" category that had them listed and each poem could be found in two categories, by topic, and by form, but it would double the amount of poems on the site because each one would be listed twice, so I don’t know how well that would work.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I am 16 (1988), but I graduated by correspondance and left normal high school in the beginning of my freshman year, because I guess that OR's educational oppurtunities and I didnt mesh.

    Thank you for the compliments though. You're sweet, but no one would believe that if I told them lol, so you're reputation is safe, dont worry ;)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago


    Many would debate that, but I agree with you :)

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I still stand by what I said, "MOST" teenagers don’t do it, more would try if we instilled this new system we are talking about, no doubt, but as of now I have only seen a few poets write in forms and they have been the likes of Bob Shank, Zyphrex, Kevin Murray (I think it was him...), yourself, etc. They are high caliber poets who are in the upper echelons of literary skill, most are not.

    They could if they knew more about it.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I think your suggestion is great.

    Anyway thanks for letting me know, but I try to stay away from form work @#%^#$ it cramps my style because I dont like to think that much lol. In my old school they made me write so many forms it ruined it for me.

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Friends: yes

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    I have one of those Bob

    and one of those AWESOME comments:
    "What's so good about 3 repeated lines about a meaningless subect"

    of course if you compare it to my usual style of writing, no, I don't really like it all that much eitehr..LOL

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    Topic: I support this idea and when Janis return I'll see what we can do :)

  • Dante
    19 years ago

    At the end of next week

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    That is a very good idea and I think it would be extremely helpful to other poets. Great brainstorming!


  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago


    I would be more than happy to get with my poetry professor and come up with a list for you. I am positive that I could some great definitions and examples of the different forms if you would like.
