I want NEW FRIENDS! :)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!!:)!!

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    Ya mexican and spain spanish are different i have to learn both and portugese am screwed haha :)

  • La Reina De Corazones
    12 years ago

    Nice! yo si se como ablar espaniol pero estoy floja!
    translation" ido know how to speak spanish but im lazy! :) ppl think i don't speak spanish cause i don't have an accent but eh it's all good!:)

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    Haha its fine i understand moree than i can speak anymore haha :)

  • Mello193
    12 years ago

    Ahh latin is a very difficult language, i learned it basically by the internet. and thats not entirely. also its a dead language so i dont know what good it would be to you, it doesnt really serve me a purpose except for the occasional line in a poem written in latin

  • Yrem Crish
    12 years ago

    Hey, there...