12 years ago
Finally starting to write again, so just wanted to say hey to everyone. I write to help myself with whatever may be going on in my life, its a way to express myself and my thoughts. I also write in the hopes that it will help or encourage somone else in the world. Im all about helping others, so if anyone ever needs to talk or feels like they need to hear something to help them pm me. Being able to help somone through my poetry is one thing I love to do. |
Ed or Ian Henderson
12 years ago
Also back after a couple of years. Pretty sure I've come across your work before, Justin! Dunno about you, but it seems there is a body of work here now that's quite inspiring and broad, whereas when I stopped coming here it had become a quagmire of woe-is-me laments and little more. |
Paul Gondwe
12 years ago
I bet things must seem new to you now..with all the changes that have taken place here...you are welcomed back |