The crazy things you do for love...

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    I think most of us can agree that when we are in love we do some pretty crazy stuff..
    Well what are somethings you done..

    For example me... I drove to his house at 3am just to give him a hug and a kiss. And driving back home I got pulled over for speeding :( but the hug and kiss was nice but not the ticket :/

  • Clown
    12 years ago

    I joined the Army out of love for my fiancee, we are now on our 4th or 5th year of marriage, and we are happy.

    I remember one time when I was a teenager, I walked from Las Vegas where I lived to Prim wich is 26 miles away from the city limits, just to spend a weekend with my girl friend, only to be chased out by her father when he found us in bed.

  • Olga Vilano
    12 years ago

    I loved doing crazy things for my husband when we wer dating, it was so fun, i loved the way my heart would beat cause it was crazy.

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    For my ex...
    Man I would have done anything.

    One of the craziest/stupidest things I did was move to another state to be with him despite my whole family saying you will regret this. But I was 18 so they couldn't stop me

    & Just the things I let him get away with.
    Like doing drugs behind my back, or lying to me and just so much crap I should have never forgave. But I loved him with everything I didn't want to lose him... ahha

  • XxLastHopexX
    12 years ago

    The craziest thing I have ever done for love....I let him go....because I knew I could never give him what he truly wanted.

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    ^^awwe :'/ that really sucks. But I know I hve done that before is let them go. I just did that last night with the guy I like Nd he didn't let me go... So I am glad he didn't let just leave.

    And awwe everyone else stories are pretty koool... It's crazy how we do a lot of crazy thing for love. Some are good and some are bad

  • Mello193
    12 years ago

    I set my at the time girlfriend up with her friend. he liked her. he was a better guy. she was a nice christian girl. i was some burn out mess, he was a nice dude. so now there still together. :)

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I would do just about anything that's extremely crazy lol(:

  • XxLastHopexX
    12 years ago


    I have also one something like that. It's a crazy thing to do. But in the end we find a way to move on.

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I would die for the person I love....

  • Crimson
    12 years ago

    For my boyfriend i would do anything hey jus wandering has this happened to any one else lyk they kiss ther bf or gf goodbye and walk away but then stop and turn around wondering if u shud go back and hug and kiss again and to see that ur gf or bf is doing the same and u look at each and blush and carry on walking

  • Rihanna
    12 years ago

    I ranaway once with my bf....

  • believeinlove87
    12 years ago

    Yes! It's so cute :).

    I haven't been able to do that with my boyfriend since he's on ship for marines, but with my ex we would. When we'd turn around I'd run back and kiss him again giggling.

  • Crimson
    12 years ago

    Oh my gosh cuuute hehe today i was with my boyfriend at luch we walk to our spot holding hands and we went to sit down i looked at him and said im never letting u go he looked abit confuzed and i pointed to our hands and he laughed and for the whole hour we stayed holding hands its was magical

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Ugh I believed him.. He has stood me up every time. I am pretty tired of actually going and waiting for him and he just not showing up... It hurts.. Cause I really do like him an care for him and he just doesn't... I guess the crazy things I do or love I forgive him and give him one more chance tell my self it's the last but I guess I know deep inside it's not cause imma keep forgiving him every single time

  • Crimson
    12 years ago

    What happen? did he stand u up? or something

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    Yea he stood me up.. This would be like the second time he has done it in a week... It's like I get all dressed up and ready and dolled up... I wait for him where we are gonna meet up only for him not to show up. And the other time he called me like 1hr later after I waited and wait for him..

  • Lori
    12 years ago

    Lying to family, friends, risking my career and everything that comes with it.

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    Running away from bording school to her school just to see her, i went during the night since it was off bounce...that was the day we had our first kiss, it was worth it

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago

    I remember one time i stole my gpas credit card and bought one of my exs a bouqet of flowers and a huge teddy bear for valentines day.. LOL. I pretty much got in trouble and the cops almost got involved but thank God they didnt. :]

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    Hahaha..the cops should have been involved, then you would have really been in trouble...bad thing is he is now you ex...its funny how we can do crazy things for these people and then it never works out

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    Hahaha..the cops should have been involved, then you would have really been in trouble...bad thing is he is now you ex...its funny how we can do crazy things for these people and then it never works out

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago

    I know right?
    thank God it didnt work out lol

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    I lied to my parents saying i was going to n overnight fellowship just so i could a spend a night with her...

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    I lied to my parents saying i was going to n overnight fellowship just so i could a spend a night with her...

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago

    Ive done that before lol
    but turns out my parents arent as dumb as they look lol

  • Wicked Ways
    12 years ago

    Traveled on a bus to a different country 0_0

  • Girl of Conviction
    12 years ago


  • Lofallenve
    12 years ago

    Moved to another state [2]

    Forgave for cheating

    Didn't really do anythign crazy that I can think of haha.

  • Renssey Heart Vine
    12 years ago

    The crazy thing i do for love is:

    "when we were having a break up w/ my bf
    i wrote his name in my arms
    together with the word
    "fix me i'm broken"
    using a sharp blade,
    allowing my blood to fall down like tears...

  • Mary Daphne
    12 years ago

    The craziest thing i did (so far...) was to move from ladies' dormitory to a co-ed apartment in front of my boyfriend's apartment.. it'd be easier to reach him if we're one bloc away. :))

  • He is the Reason
    12 years ago

    To feel the emotion of love is to stop being rational and thinking clearly I've found lol

    For my current boyfriend...what wouldn't I do? We've been together for almost 5 years, I've faced every one of my ghosts and fears, I've waited, I've given up countless really good friendships and relationships with family when it's come down to having to choose him or them, I moved across the country and am planning to move to another country for him, I've made a public mess of myself for him, I've made a fool of myself, bled and let him break me, I'm willing to do whatever I have to, offer my life for his safety if needed....what wouldn't a person do for the right person and a strong enough love?

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    @He_is_my_everything ... i dont know I wouldn't do that much for someone... Once I have to choose between family or a guy I would ALWAYS choose my family.. Seems like u really love him. But are u sure he loves you too. Because u seems like ur in pain and been through a lot but I know love may have its ups and downs but when there is more downs then up then it isn't worth it ... That's what I think...

  • ladiiie
    12 years ago

    ^^ was for ... He is the reason

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    12 years ago

    @ ladiiie :) Love does indeed have it's ups and down, who knew that when we were kids dreaming of our lives being like in the Disney movies? lol He does indeed love me as well. Sometimes I think I'm making all of the compromises and changes but I know that's not true, just the frustration speaking. is very hard when you have to choose between people you love, friends or family, and the one you love and it does sound bad but...after looking at it I realized it was a problem and I was having to choose because my family made me, not him. He helped me accept that how they treat me and view me is not right at all, which I knew, but I figured I had to put up with it because they're my family. He helped me see if they won't change then I have to walk away, no matter who they are. Tends to be a painful relationship but there's still hope, hopefully that painful factor will be over in the coming months though :) Thank you very much for your concern though, I really appreciate it :)