New Poem Category

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    12 years ago

    This is a shameless post since i did not search the forums already.

    I don't know how it would work...

    But maybe (With all the formed contests going on)

    That formed poetry could have its own category.
    It would be nice to see a long list of poem types that when you clicked on gave a definition and a how to write them.

    This could help poets who DO want to write formed poetry but just dont know how and might even get people to write more of it~!

    This is just an idea...

    And i have not really thought it through to well so it might be horrible or already mentioned. Sorry.

  • Britt
    12 years ago

    One way you can search for them is to go to search a poem and just type in the forms name. Often people put the form in the title, and it will pull up for you. Maybe that will help in the time being :)

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    12 years ago

    Ohh i agree and i know, It was just a thought one of those

    Wouldn't it be nice if

    Just a random idea in case anyone was interested. haha
    Just have the top like 6-7 forms then one that just said other. Dump them all in one place

    But its neither important nor is it something that needs to be changed. Just an idea lol

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Right now, poems seem to be sorted by content, rather than form. I think it could be cool, though, to have a "catchall" for formed poetry. Maybe it would work best if the formed poems also showed up in their subject category, kind of how the Highest Rated poems show up in one list, but they're still technically classified in their categories. Know what I mean?

    Anyway, it's worth throwing the option out there!