Just an Idea...

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    Hey guys, I am not sure if this has already been brought up but maybe a couple of things I thought of that could be done???

    The first item - I love the account news where the latest poems, quotes etc from our favourite writers show up. I love how easy it is to see their new poems and also find other poems which have been commented on by others.

    I am noticing though that sometimes I have unfortunately missed people's latest poem because there's been so much action in the account news that it doesn't roll onto another page it just disappears. What if they could make it so that a few pages of account news is kept so nothing gets missed. If not, then I know most of the time I will go through the list of each of my fav authors and find out if they had a new poem. Maybe making the news last longer could be an option... or... having a separate page for your fav's latest poems. Something that just shows the poems and not comments etc (to the right side of the menu) I think would be awesome.

    The other thing is and I am not sure if it can be done but you know when you add a thread to your favourites, is there a way to delete it without having to go into the thread itself. I have some on my favourites from my other club and since I can't access it of course, I can't delete it. It would be great to remove them since there's no point in having them there.

    Ok I hope my ramble has made sense!!!

    Thanks guys,


  • Britt
    12 years ago

    I think having a second page would be great for the account news stuff. I also agree with being able to delete the threads without having to go in - I have the same problem. I forget about my favorites threads until I host a challenge or game etc and have those in there. :/

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    These are both good ideas. I am stumped with the favorite thread one. We'll have to bring that up to Janis, but in the meantime I suppose you could message your old club managers and ask permission to quickly access that thread in order to remove it from your favorites. I get the feeling you're an upstanding individual and wouldn't be up to shenanigans : )

    Of course, that would have to be by the club's preference, and it's quite a bit of hassle. Maybe the big J in the sky will have a better solution.

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    I'd never be up to any shenanigans :">

    Well not here anyways lol

    Thanks, it would be great if there was a button on the side of each thread where you can just click it to delete it from your fav's.

    I do love the idea though of having your fav people's poems in one link. That would be awesome!!!
