Visited poems

  • Angel
    12 years ago

    Is there any way we can delete poems from that list?? cause its really long and annoying and i have a hard time finding things

  • Paul Gondwe
    12 years ago

    I dont think there is a way just have to be patient until they do something about it

  • Yrem Crish
    12 years ago

    Yeah, i agree with Paul:0

  • Kate
    12 years ago

    Yeah I was looking for a really funny poem I read the other day but I read so many of them that it took me forever!!! It's terrible! They should do something about that

  • Jhierren Paz
    12 years ago

    Oh hey, I can feel that way too. ;p

    Yeah, it's terrible. Really.

  • Boy
    12 years ago

    There must should be this option..

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Hey, thanks for the feedback. Maybe we'll have a little poll in the main forums, and see if everyone is annoyed with this issue. Then we will bring it to Janis.