i want awards but.

  • Desiree
    20 years ago

    i want awards but i don't have time to put all of my poems on the internet!!! but i only have two poems posted but 144 people have visited it and i have gotten 4 votes!!!!! why????

  • Natalie84
    20 years ago

    It's just the way it works.

  • Desiree
    20 years ago

    i'm just upset that so many people have visites but not many have voted!!! i vote for every single one i view!!

  • Desiree
    20 years ago

    you have also won a lot though!!! so of course it doesn't bother you!!!

  • Natalie84
    20 years ago

    Those awards really don't mean anything to me. What everyone on this site thinks of my poetry don't matter much to me. Yes, I like to hear and see that people like or dislike my poetry. I like to know how others think I can improve but votes mean NOTHING to me at all. I was in another topic and a girl didn't like what I said so she said she was going to vote all my poems ones. So if she did that just be a you know what then my votes wouldn't mean anything because they wouldn't be true. A couple people have gotten mad at me for poems I have written or things I disagreed with so they voted some poems ones. You can't count on your votes to tell you if your poems are good or not. I think the only award I really care anything about is my favorites award. Yes, I would LOVE to get the gold one....(: lol But other than that one I don't give a rip about the rest. Just keep writing....don't worry what people rate. If it matters that much get your name out there and count on comments.....Good Luck!

  • -
    20 years ago

    no stress, just write 4 u! stay kewl, guyz! l8ter!

  • Sean Allen
    20 years ago

    why do you want the awards again?

  • Bret Higgins
    20 years ago

    I want doesn't get.

  • no1important
    20 years ago

    I don'tunderstand it either. I wish more people would vote. But to get reckgonized it helps to have a couple of rewards or an award winning poem.

  • Gemma Sinead Hayward
    19 years ago

    I agree with Nathalie84. I like to see acclaim and criticism alike, but that's not why i primarily put poems on this site. I also get downvoted for my poem content. Some of mine challenge 'religious' *cough*christian*cough* views and therefore people vote me ones. Just wirte poems for you, because the best and most excellant poems are made that way.