Cancer: Cheaply Cured?

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    I found this link regarding some Canadian researchers who found a simple/cheap cure for cancer: DiChloroAcetate

  • Kevin
    12 years ago

    Wouldn't surprise me one bit.

    Years ago there was a very small clinic in London that was working just outside one of the major hospitals treating cancer patients with massively high doses of vitamin C and vitamin b12 laterate (as I recall). Apparently they were incredibly effective until they got shut down.

    The conspiracy theorists chimed in say the Government didn't want a cheap and easy to access "cure", nor did the drug companies.

  • Ingrid
    12 years ago

    You may also want to read "The healing journey" by Brandon Bays. She was diagnosed with cancer in the latest stage, but healed herself by changing her way of thinking.

    And also: don't expose yourself to poison in any form. Examine your food and all you drink, what you use on your body (many creams etc. contain harmful substances)

    In this database you can check many items you use daily on your skin for hazardous content:

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    (Edited and expanded upon from original posting)

    Abed: I would not rush to conclusions on this DCA theory. It is half-baked, unproven in humans, and too pre-mature. DCA in excess can also cause harm. It is a nice piece of basic science work, first published/presented in Jan 2007 using rat/mice studies, but has yet to stand up in clinical trails, perhaps for valid reasons, most probably due to concerns of human safety. What works in rats and mice, and tissue culture studies does not necessarily work in humans, or is safe. That is why we have a step process of trials in human clinical studies, from pre-clinical work (animal studies) to Phase I, II, III & sometimes IV (though IV is not always required). A single human experimentation (not even phase I because the numbers were too small-only 5) has been published, but nothing beyond, perhaps for a reason....maybe it was too unsafe or too toxic. I do not know that yet untill I read more.
    Promising Cancer cures like these come out a dozen a year or more, but 99% or more don't even make it to human trials, and for right reasons, they are unsafe, false, or do not work the same in humans. Scientists are not blind, but cautious when it comes to human experimentation. That is why real science takes every new thing with a pinch of salt. Most researchers in the field do not even trust their own work, until it is reproduced by others in similar or different settings. So best to be patient before trying any such therapy which can cripple or kill you in unsupervised, unsafe dosages.
    The link you provided seems to be sponsored by a DCA seller (see at the bottom) in a financial E-magazine blog, and the reporter (who could be a paid agent of the DCA seller is obviously using unscientific words to describe DCA research.

    Here are some links which I found which glanced through quickly, which are more insightful, written in the correct scientific mumbo-jumbo and are perhaps a litle more trustworthy, coming from people who have reviewed the articles/s better, scientists, biologists or like:

    More, if you need info later, but everyone reading these kind of articles from unscientific sources should really be cautious before going out and buying ton loads of DCA for their family or friends, which can theoretically cause damage (e.g. nerve damage here) or even kill when used in large dosages, unscientifically. Seller's of Alternative Medicine and junk Medicine thrive on people's fears of real medicine and often used half-baked pre-clinical research to promote these "too good to be true" miracle cures to primarily enrich themselves. So be warned and be cautious in recommending such miracle cures, which do not hold up eventually, and can cause more harm than good in the long run.

    Recent scientific studies are now showing that Vitamin C, E and carotenoids (A)do not prevent cancer, but may itself be promotors of increased risk to various forms of cancers, like lung particularly in smokers (C, E, A) and prostate cancer (17 % increased with Vit. E megadoses), . So their is an advisory now on avoiding excessive and un-needed use of these Vitamins in many population groups, incl. smokers.
    Vitamin B12 and Folic acid/folate are participants in the cell reproduction cycle as cofactors (facilitate enzymes to work faster/efficiently) in many dividing cells, particularly the hematopoietic (blood forming) line of cells. It will be contradictory to use them in most forms of cancer, as they may speeden the already uncontrolled rate of division in cancer cells. So most cancer docs, stop your daily Centrum when you have cancer.
    No wonder, the Govt. in UK shut down the "quacks" which were causing more harm than good to the cancer need to worry about conspiracy here...just look it up yourself or ask any cancer doctor.

    I would not contest a story by a mind-body naturopath and spiritual healer, who promotes her book perhaps by joining the ranks of Deepak Chopra and like, who are very effective in selling their wisdom, but have no place in the scientific world. Here is an analysis on that book that I agree with:

    I am sorry, I do not wish to offend any of you, you all are my friends. But, my analytic brain does not accept unsupported, non-peer reviewed, unscientific literature that easily. Just my point of view.

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    Probably right, David.. but when people are desperate, they would try anything whatsoever.. they would like cling to a thread of hope.

  • Ingrid
    12 years ago

    Lonely Soul,

    there will always be people who do not believe in miracles. I do. Do you want to know why? It is not just this story by Brandon, I have seen many miracles in my lifetime and one of the biggest was my mother in law. She one day collapsed in her living room and was rushed to hospital and there they found out she had cancer in most of her internal organs and the total weight of the tumor was 7 kilograms. She was already 72, so what the doctors did was cut out the cancer and sowed the healthy pieces of the effected organs she had together (intestines, stomach, esophagus( hope it translated that right)) and told her that was all they could do. She would not survive chemo. Now she had a very loving family and I think this is what saved her. They gave her so much love and attention that she lived to be 89 years old, without the cancer ever returning. A true miracle. The mind is endlessly powerful, much more powerful than we give it credit for.

    And I do believe in healthy living as a way to prevent cancer. I am part of the Dutch board of members of the World Cancer Research Fund and an active promotor of the healthy life style through my work as a weight consultant.

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    Ingrid: I completely agree with the mind-body-soul theory of healthy living, has been practiced for ages by sages, spiritualists and vegans alike. No, I am not contesting that at all...they do help in healthy living and less heart disease, improved overall mortality and less risk of cancer or problems associated with obesity/smoking/alcoholism/stress...doubtlessly very true. I congratulate you for your participation in promoting this and your own personal accomplishments from practicing these techniques, but, they are not a cure for cancer, just good preventative medicine and definitely provide a boost to our will-power/morale, when the body has been hit with a cancer. After all, you need a strong will power to survive the scourge of a deadly disease.
    Miracles, yes, they occur at times and places when you least expect them (I do believe in them when I hear about them), no wonder they are called "miracles"....but to hope for a miracle to cure cancer on a regular basis, will be un-natural (=a miracle). So no wonder when these various esoteric methods are tested using scientific methodology/statistical power, the p value is > 1 (i.e no association between these methods and a reliable cure). But, by then the miracle healer (mind body preacher) has made a lot of money from selling/preaching their wisdom. So, I do not disagree with you, but I have yet to see a consistency of results in these "miracles and alternative medications" that will stand the test of rigorous scrutiny or reproducibility of results (a test to validate any scientific or non-scientific method).

  • Ingrid
    12 years ago

    I agree with there being people trying to make money with remedies that are no real cure, David. I do understand your concern and indeed those who try and make money with bogus remedies should be dealt with accordingly. And some cancers cannot be cured, because they are caused by events in the past of a person's life. Because they inhaled certain chemicals, or smoked for a very long time, etc. or they have a genetic predisposition and the chances of curing them with any remedy at all are very slim.

    But if you seek the power deep within your own soul, if you take responsibility for your own health and happiness that can be of great use in all situations that may occur. To never allow yourself to become a victim, but just a person with a problem that they will try their best to overcome.

    I never take medicines of any kind, and probably never will. Instead I eat very healthy, don't smoke or drink,sleep enough hours , walk 15,000 steps each day and do a work out three times each week. I have a form of rheumatism, but rheumatism doesn't have me;)

  • Kevin
    12 years ago

    +1 @ lonelySoul. Well done sir. It isn't often someone else around these parts pours a nice spoonful of charming logic and reason over a thread topic. I do so love to be proven wrong by properly checked facts and research.

    Thanks, and I mean that sincerely.

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    ^^" I never take medicines of any kind, and probably never will. Instead I eat very healthy, don't smoke or drink,sleep enough hours , walk 15,000 steps each day and do a work out three times each week. I have a form of rheumatism, but rheumatism doesn't have me;)"

    ^ This is very admirable, to stay healthy with a disciplined lifestyle. But, one has to remember medicines are not a poison (except for chemo), they were invented by one of our own kind, with scientific "sweat and toil", to help those who need them, when the body starts to fails a little. No denying this will happen to each one of us, with time. You do set a good example of what you preach, Ingrid. But, very few of us are that lucky as our biological clock ticks on irreversibly. :)

    Kevin & LP: Thank you. The pleasure was mine as well, to be challenged to research a bit more.

  • Ingrid
    12 years ago

    I respectfully disagree with you, David. Medicines are far from harmless. I'll take the pain my inflamed rib cage gives me anyday over the painkillers they offered me as a teen already. But I don't want to elaborate on this more on the main board. If you want to talk about this subject some more, then send me a pm, ok?

  • A lonely soul
    12 years ago

    Agree to disagree here Ingrid, with equal respects. I would not have been alive today without these scientifically concoted potions and pills. Nor would millions of transplant or cancer patients, and many others with life threatening disorders be living without the medicinal sciences. Strong painkillers are not tolerated by some, but when you are screaming with pain, they are lifesaving...and I have had that experience myself.
    Science only moves forwards, whether we accept its advances or not. 90% of all medications that we know today were invented in the last 50 years. So we are still in the infancy of this great age of scientific medicinal discoveries, with many more cures yet to come.

  • Ingrid
    12 years ago

    I agree science moves us forward and that is why I support this organisation:

    The reason why, is because the thriving forces hehind this international group of researchers understand that it is essential to try and prevent people from becoming ill, rather then to cure them when they already are. I hope they will one day make so much progress we will no longer be in need of pills to cure ourselves, because all medicines have side effects. Some of them are worse than the desease itself.