• Bogie
    19 years ago

    Easy people and ponder this,

    Why is it that we have so many different
    religions with so many different ways of
    worship to the same one God and all think
    their religion is the right religion.
    I know its choice, but how do you choose
    a piece of the puzzle that fits when others
    have a piece that fits also, yet are very different.
    So, what piece is the right one?
    can they all be the right religion?
    Why would God confuse us?
    Is it wrong to question God?
    I’m I confused? “Yes”

    These questions came to me
    after reading this thread once
    What do you think?
    Or don’t you?

    I have nothing but love for all,

  • Bogie
    19 years ago

    “some cultures have more than one equal god”
    I did not know this.

    Interesting “god exists but religion does not”
    Excellent Matt, Thank you.

    P.S. what kind of ice cream?
    Heavenly hash
    Rocky road

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I think your life is even sadder that you would take the time to send me this email. You know nothing about me nothing about my religion, but seem so opinionated on something you know nothing about...I didn't direct my comment about leading a sad sad life with no faith at you specifically but at the forum and anyone who reading the thread in that is what I believe take it or leave it cause personally - I couldn't care less.

    Your right about one thing I dont like to upset people intentially but heck I can't please everyone, I really couldn't care less if you took offence to my words....if I jumped up and down and made complaints everytime someone posted an opinion I didnt agree with - I wouldn't have a moment to spare really...but unlike you I dont! I respect others opinions and just state my perspective if you can't handle that and feel the need to go complaining - go right ahead your life is sadder than I initially thought in that case...

    I would have preferred to have kept this discussion within the forums and will be posting these emails within the forum for everyone else to read...but since you insisted here is my rebuttle to your email...

    I like what you have said but you did go a little too far by saying \\\"Hmmm I think you lead a sad, sad life if you have no faith.\\\" in the \\\"QUESTION!!!!-GOD\\\" discussion. i just want to say, no heard feelings and let\\\'s put offensive things away. I see you are a good person but try not to insult people. I did contact the heads of P&Q b/c i felt it was right to let them know that I feel really offended. I am sorry if i have offended you in any way, but I do have religion and do know alot and would LOVE to teach someday and share everything i know on to others. Respond back Plz.

    *I have already responded above to your "I think you went a lil too far" crap - care factor ZERO tell someone who cares Suzy. No hard feelings, definetly did you think I wasn't offended by some of your opinions - hell yes - would I take it this far - hell no I have a life LMAO. You were offended and contacted the heads of PNQ - brilliant you must be new Im assuming. Darling get used to it because not everyone is going to agree with you on every issue particularly religion, not everyone will sugarcoat their opinions for you either in this world - as I said earlier you cannot please everyone - gees I can't wait till you run in with JPM if you think I offended you LOL :oD Don't be sorry for offending me Suzy - it was a religious discussion no shyte you're going to tread on somebodies toes with your opinion plus I am far from sorry for offending you. I hope one day you do reach your dreams to teach but my advice to you is first to learn, then to understand and only then to question and to teach....


  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Suzy you’re welcome then again whether you like it or not you will receive my input most people from PNQ know that already though. I stand where my heart does with Islam, thanks for your acknowledgement but I really don’t need nor want it.
    I insulted your intelligence the way you insulted my religion – so good. If you continue to discuss Islam – a religion you clearly know nothing about I will continue to insult your intelligence and do so with pleasure whether you appreciate it or not. You speak untruths about a religion you know nothing about which I follow and believe in, and understand thoroughly what do you expect. Seems to me you don’t have the stamina for a discussion like this – you’re clearly to easily offended. Malicious? Please this is a religious discussion if you can’t handle the heat then leave! For goodness sakes – I have plenty of these discussions with Kaitlin and Lipton and neither of those two seem to be as offended or dramatic over it as you….
    Speaking in general terms makes you appear uneducated and uninformed on certain religious issues – Islam being my particular choice here. I know what its all about – I follow the religion – but you are making judgement on something you know nothing about – that is my point…Its like me sitting here going on about Hinduism, I mean I know a bit about the religion but I am not a follower so my understanding is far from great, until my understanding is greater I feel no right to form an opinion on Hinduism.
    I have no desire to learn from you at all, I will endeavour to learn all I have to on my own account – because I actually like learning factual information not opinonated garbage like you have clearly spilled here…
    Sorry to offend you yet again but too bad…

  • Anne Conner
    19 years ago

    scaredofthedark-We will not see God face to face until we die. However, He speaks to us through His Word (the Bible). If we believe in Christ and read the Bible our every question will be answered.
    Consider for me, the smallest speck you can imagine. This speck is you. Now consider the infininte. Who is that speck to question the infininte(God). "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord, to them that are called according to his purpose" If our nation was bombed God would have a good and perfect reason for such a happening. We can not understand such things because we are not perfect. (I am a speck as well so don't think that I think I am above y'all. I'm not. Far from it. I could not know anything unless God revealed it to me.)

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    NATALIE84... people will always argue about religion and god because it IS a good argument. If you do not understand the power of an argument then go to biblical school and take apologetics. It will help in the debate of religion sweetheart. muah!!

    Oh, please do not call me sweet heart...I am not your sweet heart! I have read the bible myself and have taken many classes within the church for studying it...and I understand other religions outside of my own....I can understand completely what this arugment is about. However I see no reason to argue religion with a crowd of people who all have such different religions and opinions. This site is filled with people all over the world so why start a forum on GOD. None of us were raised the same or taught the same things so why try to find something in the middle to agree upon. It really gets you no where except into fighting. I can't see how you could take my comment and assume my simple mind just can't grasp the meaning of this argument. There are a hundred of these post all saying the same things. Same old silly argument. I can comprehend it just fine but I think it's stupid...

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Hey guys - thought this discussion turned argument between myself and Miss Suzy belonged here rather than her choice to private email me...

    Heres a copy and paste of her reply to me:

    I got through the first three sentances and find that you are one rude *****. Please grow up and learn how to talk to people without offending them or else they will respond like I am now. I think you have alot to learn before assuming about other peoples lives esp. mine becuase you know nothing about me so go pray, as I'm sure you, and pray for a higher knowledge because you obviously have none from what you have said. I lead a very happy life and you have no place to say I lead such an unhappy life... you have INSULTED me in a BIG WAY so now it's my turn and when you piss me off I can and will go off on little girls who belong in high school..... [edited out vulgarity]. Muah!!

    And she says I'm in needing of lessons - hun your response took away from any validity anything you have ever said - sweet heart judging by your lack of maturity in your response your the one who belongs in high school - or primary school.

    Save your breath Suzy and stop emailing me personally - I don't care if I've offended you and you don't offend me your worthless to me fool...

    Speaking of Fools - Happy April Fools Day All!

    And Suzy keep our discussions here for all to see...


  • hussain
    19 years ago

    ouch ...that must of hurt suzy

  • Lipton
    19 years ago


    For someone that is 21 years old, you act like a three year old. Whether you have the knowledge of a fifty year old or not, no one is going to care, or listen to you if you're going to act like you just got out of kindergarten. If you're offended by this statement, and want to flame me, go right ahead. However, your flaming me is just going to prove my point. One must be able to show maturity when in a debate.

    I could so call a fallacy on you right now... In fact, I think I will:

    Argumentum ad hominem.

    This is the fallacy of directly attacking a person in a debate, and not dealing with the debate itself. Doing so removes your argument from the debate.

    Not only that, it is inevitable that someone is going to be offended when talking about such touchy things (as God). If you're going to be involved, get used to it.

    ~Ciao Lipton

    PS: Show respect to Eirisa. She is a very calm in debates (at least, in the ones I'm involved in). She's open-minded, but not yielding. She's firm in her beliefs, but not obstinate.

    PSS: Sorry if I offended you, Suzy.

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    i find it sometimes hard to read when poeple type in caps its makes it sound monotone but it is something i am working on.

    it is a shame that this debate got out of hand hopefully this wont repeat in the future debates .

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Some of us need to learn how to use the caps lock.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Well Suzy I have been here for quite a while now - I know alot of member personally and have a lot of friends within the site...If you don't like it leave - no skin off my nose or anybody elses...

    Look at your own behaviour you keep making yourself look not only stupider but more and more immature

    Its funny - you get so heated up and Im sitting here laughing - now I know how JPM feels - its great!

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Everyone here is immature? Well, I wish that I could be as grown up as you. You are 21 and telling everyone they should be in high school but it seems as though you haven't even made it to high school yet. You are the one who has some growing up to do. The problem is all of these people commented back to your ignorant comments and you didn't know how to reply. If this pissed you off that bad to go and cuss Eirisa out the way you did I'd hate to see how you are in the real world. People like you never amount to anything. I am not here to pass judgement but when you act like a damn fool it can't be helped.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago


    I feel the same way I mean look at the topic at hand derrrrrrrrr its gunna get heated and Suzy couldn't handle it - I haven't even stopped to her level of cussing and name calling and she has the audacity to call me immature - please

    I appreciate that someone can finally see this from my perspective...

    Most of you all know me - Ive been around a while and I'm not a bad person - she just can't handle my perspective...

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    I have read this whole thing. I read one of Suzy's post and thought she knew what she was talking about but then I read on and found out she is a twit. It is ridiculous to argue on such a topic but if you do, do it itelligently.

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    repect to you eirisa

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Slander Suzy?

    Not only are you the top fool on April Fools day but you're a hypocrit love look at the way you've spoken to me - everyone can read it hun so don't go denying LoL

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Thanks Huss :o) Ya Habib

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    I think this is rather funny.

    First off, if your immature enough to send the E-Mail in the first place, I think it found its rightful place, right here on the forums =).
    Secondly, you said, and I quote (without the caps lock), "I am very opinionated but I will not commit slander and go for someones throat." You hypocrite...

    "I think this is a disgrace and I do not have time for malicious people."

    Who is the one being malicious?

    "I am completely turned off to people in here because you all act like you are in high school!!"

    1) I'm so glad you aren't turned on by what's in these posts.
    2) You're acting like you're in preschool.
    3) I am in high school =)

    "...debate elsewhere with mature people who are open-minded and not rude or very ignorant and do not commit slander..."

    Who's the one committing slander?

    Again, Eirisa didn't hurt you. If you take this much offense over someone's ideas (especially over the internet) we aren't the ones who need to grow up...

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Thanks Lipton further pointing out my points of view exactly...

    Tho Lipton you are in high school?????? WHAT THE Holy dooly is all I can say :o) I wish I had your knowledge and maturity in high school I thought you were at least my age (21) if not older gees that really blew me away

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    LoL, Eirisa... Yeah, I'm 17... Thanks for you comment on my maturity. Sometimes, though, I wonder about myself ;)

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    for a 17 yr old u make very intelligant comments on the forum lipton and i think just mature is an understatment lol ..seen how u rip people to shreads...quote by quote lol

  • R
    19 years ago

    Its hard to say that god exists... yes I am a christian and its against my religion to say this but I really dont think there is a God... scientists have even proven that we have evolved from bacteria or w/e. right?? but some people need SOMETHING to believe in.. God i guess is a good thing to start believing in if you need something..

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    Scientists haven't proven that we evolved. That's why it's the THEORY of evolution.

    Also, God is not there for a belief crutch.

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    Those who believe in god know that they have a purpose in this world.

    Those who do not believe...... i want to know whats your purpose in this world ? simple question

    or i'll rephrase .......'why are we here?? '

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Christina where in the bible does it state Adam and Eve had more than two sons? And how do you know this is so when the bible doesn't state it (I stand to be corrected if I am wrong Mr Lipton) And Im pretty sure Christs bday was mentioned strongly in the Bible...leaving out details? You sound confused hopefully Lipton can clarify for you LoL Christs bday wasn't in Decemeber we just do it for the holiday - wow you are really uneducated on this issue aren't you that statement cracked me up!
    You say its a good source of history unless you believe it too be true, isn't history based upon proven fact or theory darling? You confused the hell outta me with your statement - please dont take offense to what I have said just clarify your point of view cause Im lost as to what you were trying to state....

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    this is where:

    Genesis 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.

    Genesis 5:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    There are some things which i disagree on when it comes to science.

    However science has strengthened my faith as there are so many things that have been proven by science that were revealed 14 centures ago when the Quran was written.

    And here just one of many examples.......

    In the Qur’an, the expansion of the universe was described like this:

    ''And it is We who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it.'' (Surat adh-Dhariyat: 47 - from the Quran)

    The word “heaven”, as stated in this verse, is used in various places in the Qur’an with the meaning of space and universe. Here again, the word is used with this meaning. In other words, in the Qur’an, it is communicated that the universe “expands”.

    And this is the very conclusion that science has reached today.

    Until the dawn of the 20th century, the only view prevailing in the world of science was that “the universe has a constant nature and it has existed since infinite time”.

    The research, observations, and calculations carried out by means of modern technology, however, revealed that the universe in fact had a beginning and that it constantly expands.

    That is just one of many scientific facts in the Quran which only has been proven recentely modern science.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Thanks for the education Ann Marie - I didn't mean to sound overly patronising in my asking of that question but was generally asking that question - thanks again for the enlightenment :o)
    I did stand to be corrected and have been just that :o)

    Hussein - stimulating discussion you have raised there darling - being Islamic also - I again agree and commend your point of view xoxox

  • Lipton
    19 years ago

    ((Side note: Wow, thanks for that maturity, Eirisa!))


    *Stands by watching the topic*

    ~Ciao Lipton

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Your welcome Eirisa, glad to help. I don't usually get involved in the religous discussions since it all comes down to each individual's faith (faith in God, faith in nothing, faith in whatever)

    I love to discuss my faith though and religious/Biblical matters as long as it is kept civil... which rarely happens on here. (I am not referring to any one person... nor even to those whose views differ from mine... I am often ashamed to see "Christians" slamming anyone who doesn't believe like they do)

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    I've actually noticed your reluctance Ann Marie - along with quite a few other usually keen to participate members LOL :o)

    I'm glad that some of us at least can discuss and even disagree about religious issues in a moderately mature fashion - you're 100% right in saying it depends on the individuals choice of faith.

    Tis definetly a shame that some of cannot agree to disagree and just gain a mutual respect and understanding :o)

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    Thank GOD!!! this discussion is still alive :)

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    And stimulating too Huss...

  • hussain
    19 years ago

    you should abby...god believes in you.

  • Tessa
    19 years ago

    I can't remember if I put this down before, but God is what you make it, something that makes you happy and gives you peace. The bible is nothing more than a story to keep people in line, god shouldn't be something fearful but something that gives you hope. It doesn't have to be a singular being, or even a being at all.

  • Ria
    19 years ago

    It is supposed that by garden God ment the earth in general when they wan't to answer your questions they'll treat you like a fool and just answer "it's metaphorical"

    of course and everything we believe in was written by men

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    Hmmm .... there is alot of interesting opinion posted on this thread.

    I do believe in God and the miracles that surround his name. I am a strong believer when it comes to healing by prayer. Yes, we all need to see a doctor when we are sick, but there are times when even the doctors cannot cure an illness and one is left to die. Then after a tearful prayer *wham* suddenly the person begins to heal. I have seen this with my own eyes. It is truly a blessing.

    Second, how would you explain an eight year old child getting ran over by a ford thunderbird four times back to back and walk away with only minor scratches? Yes, I have witnessed this as well and I can tell you even the doctors at the emergency room was baffled.

    God is in everything. God is in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the sky we adore, and the land we walk on. Most importantly God is in our souls and in the souls of our children.

    There is no question about whether or not God truly exist, the question is are you willing to believe and have faith.

    Are you willing to accept Jesus into your heart and give HIS (our) Father the respect and love that He deserves?

    For those that do not believe ....

    I will continue to believe in God and worship Him, by doing so I live a more peaceful, loving, and rewarding life than I did before I was reborn.

    If I am wrong then what do I have to lose? I will live a happy fullfilling life and then be burried in the ground and forgotten about, but if I am right then not only is my life here on earth rewarding, but Heaven will be more magnificient than anyone can even imagine.

    For those that choose not to accept Christ, they may feel like their life on earth is grand, but if they are wrong when they die then their life in Hell will be the most excrutiating and painful experience that the human mind cannot even fathom the thought of it.

    I choose to believe, in my opinion there is no question, but honestly, is it a gamble that is not worth the risk.... we are talking about eternity where time never ends.....


  • Ria
    19 years ago

    I totally agree with you.That's what I think too

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    The Bible clearly states that unless you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and confess your sins that you will be bound for eternity in Hell.

    It does not matter what good deeds you do ... good deeds do not get you into Heaven. Accepting our Lord as your person Savior is the only path available to enter inside the pearly gates.

    I did not make the rules, but the Bible does clearly state them. And besides, how hard is it to accept Jesus if you are a believer. If you choose not to believe then that is your perogitive (sry for spelling). I only pray that you will read the Holy Bible and at least keep an open mind before you choose not to believe.
