Anybody remember me? 5 years on

  • Sondos
    12 years ago

    I was a regular member of the website about 5 years ago and have just remembered it again- I was wondering if there were any members lurking around from all that time ago- would love to reconnect.



  • Tara Kay
    12 years ago

    I don't remember you, though I was a member at that time...did you have a different screen name back then?

    Anyhow, welcome back

  • Yrem Crish
    12 years ago

    HEllo, Sondos...glad that you back again:)

  • Kylead
    12 years ago

    Me ive read one poem from you back in the day

  • Kylead
    12 years ago

    Dragons has been in my favorites for a while now