Shorter Topics

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    i dont agree with that i think you can have as long as you like because if you have alot to say than say it if people like you cant be bothered to read it all than dont read it

  • Tenshix
    19 years ago

    what your saying is lazyness just read it most of it is interesting

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    No I do not agree...

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    Lazy is one word, but just to be prove a point I think I'll write a more than few lines on why there should be no limit on what we can post.

    For starters if we were limited than people who had a lot to say on any subject would have to post more than once to get their views across. There is something in the world of writing that can substiute well for that, it's called a paragraph.

    See that gap? It's called a space and works nicely to is often used to seperate unlinked thoughts. Now I understand your frustration when I see posts that are just one long continuous paragraph. It makes it hard to read and much more boring. You often lose the intended meaning because you get lost and have to read and re-read.

    Is it really so hard to read a clearly defined and well thought out post by someone if they take the time to set it out in clear and legible fashion? I think not.

    Have yourself a time doing what ever it is you do and remember that the written word is an art, a skill, an ability. It is not a God given right (if it was we'd all be born with the ability to read and write). I only ask that you use it properly to the fullest extent.

  • Broken Hearted Immortal
    19 years ago

    i dont agree either if people wanna type so much let them its a free country so if people wanna type 100 lines then let them it dont matter and why do you think people type too much and should only type five lines? thats not really cool i like to type on some topics

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I agree with Bret; Who's genius seems to be growing with every post that I read, by the way.

    I would say that for small posts like this a few lines would work, but for debates or intelligent conversation where you need to prove a point I dont think that there is a limit.

    Technically there isnt a limit regardless, so if your attention span isnt long enough to read a daunting looking post, then skip it :)

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    I tried writing something in reply, but Genius got in the way.

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    By the way that was comic genius just in case you didn't notice.

    K, please don't feed the ego, it's getting too big for the enclosure.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Depends on what the encolosure is.

    If it is JPM's balls then there is no problem :)

    Plus its only ego if it is inflated beyond reasonable proportions, you know you're the man. And you are, so be happy :)

  • Bret Higgins
    19 years ago

    The enclosure is a Hobgoblin Dark Ale beer bottle, so not much room at all. *swigs* bit more room now though.. all is well again.