My poems were plagiarized

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    True :D

    Gosh they are just about as bad as each other this is so crazy. I can't believe there are 81 pages worth wow!

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    Mera Luna found out what she had done and pmed me as well as Meena.I am very grateful to you girls.

  • Karla
    12 years ago


    Her blog is still there with our poems and one of the members there said that mods are ineffective.They simply dont care as you can see below:

    Re: Live Feed

    Posted 6 Hours Ago


    Unfortunatly, the Writer's Cafe mods are severely inactive, as far as I can tell. Contacting the offender to remove the plagraised works would be the most optimal solution. I, myself, will attempt to contact the user if they aren't taken down, soon.

    Hopefully, this won't strain the relationship between the Cafe and Poems and Quotes (P&Q), as it is starting to with individual members.

    Karla Bardanza

    Re: Live Feed

    Posted 6 Hours Ago

    I have already contacted her and reported what she did to DMCA. Mods are supposed to do what is paramount. The Moment they are ineffective, Writers Cafe Org becomes a site which cant be trusted anymore.

    I used the Live Feed there to add 6 post telling she had plagiarized us:


    A Story by Karla Bardanza


    A Story by Karla Bardanza


    A Story by Karla Bardanza


    A Story by Karla Bardanza


    A Story by Karla Bardanza

    Lady Amai plagiarized my poems and the poems of mo..

    A Story by Karla Bardanza

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    I saw that as well. I've posted on the forum there which was started by someone and then someone had the audacity to say that maybe she was doing it to promote our poems (as said above) which is total crap!!!

    If so she would have stated that they were not hers and given a link to this site where the original poets are.

    I won't stop fighting this

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    I wont stop either.

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    The funny thing is she stole so many people's work and we're all different in writing techniques and forms etc... people wouldn't notice if a girl or guy wrote it, they just take it without thinking

  • Steven Beesley
    12 years ago

    I have also filed a complaint about her.

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    You are right Liz.

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    Awesome Steven, the more people the better.


  • Lostlove1
    12 years ago

    I made an acct just to blast her with nasty messages in which I am composing as we speak...

    I sent a couple to her mailbox already.

    You can also comment the stolen poems so others on that site will see.

  • Kuro
    12 years ago

    She stole my "My Last Day Alive" poem.

    The original. notice the submission date.

    the fraud. submitted 2 weeks later.

  • Lu
    12 years ago

    Flagged and commented !
    Found one so far. I am so sorry you guys have had so much stolen from you. It truly is disgusting what she has done

    Comment I left too

    Great poem !!! Seeing that it's mine you stupid ass.
    Do you you even know what the Sestina form is ???? Yeah thought not

    You are not a poet ... you are a thief. And a very pathetic one at that. You should be ashamed of yourself. You have not only stolen poems of my own but many many poems from very talented writers on that have studied the craft and put their heart and soul into their writing ... not to have a stupid ass such as yourself claim them as her own.

    I suggest you remove all the poems as I doubt not one is your own. How can you read the comments people have left you and feel proud, when it wasn't even you who wrote it ?????

    BTW Thank you to Lorena who commented on MY poem below.

  • Colm
    12 years ago

    I signed up to check the poems, none of mine but noticed/recognised a good few from PnQ just by browsing. I flagged her profile when I was there. I fully understand why people would be angry about plagerism.

    However, I think we have done as much as we can for the moment. Lots of people have flagged her, Sibs as a PnQ moderator posted in their forum. Sending the girl who plagerised the poems nasty messages or continually posting about it here or on that website I don't think will change anything at this stage. Their moderators will hopefully deal with it accordingly. Its not the Salem witch trials here, lets not have a whole lynch mob thing going on.

    Its good that at least we found and reported the plagerised poems. Never like to see plagerism happening. Unfortunately that's a risk we all take when putting poems and works on the internet into the public realm: for lack of a better term, it sucks.

  • abracadabra
    12 years ago

    Well said, Colm.

  • Lu
    12 years ago

    It really does suck, yes indeed. I feel badly for those on this site who put so much into their work only to have it snatched away with a "copy and paste"

    So sad ! Hopefully they will all be removed somehow

  • Melpomene
    12 years ago

    I flagged her profile last night & sent a list of plagiarized poems to the mods of and also a private message to 'Lady Amai', simply informing her that we want the poems removed from her profile due to violations of copyright. We've had three mods make contact with the site, apart from that I think this is pretty much all we can do at this time.

    Hopefully something will be done about it soon but at the end of the day as Colm stated it is a risk we all take. Can you believe I had to leave a link to this site in one of my assignments I did for University because when I submitted a poem as part of a project it came back as plagiarized? I had to go through a long process to prove that it was actually me on this site and no one else. Once it's on the web it really is out of our control.

  • Xionide
    12 years ago

    She's closed her profile people. Job done and all poems gone

  • Melpomene
    12 years ago

    Thanks for letting us know, Doug.

    Great job to everyone involved in this.

  • Meme
    12 years ago

    And another plagiarizer went down. Good job everyone. I think this is the best plan of attack ..

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    I am grateful to you all.Thanks.I really felt bad when I saw that most of my poems were in her blog. Thanks Mera Luna, Meena, Dead Soul, Poet on the piano and above all Thanks Mods. Thanks Poems and Quotes for being one of the best sites in the world not only for the quality of the poets but for the support we all have here but Lady Amai whoever she is only changed her name and closed her profile. Our poems are still there and nothing hapened at all.

  • Jordan
    12 years ago

    The poems are still there if you use the links above. Lol

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    You're right. She has changed her name:

    The Craft
    A Poem by rwar ish me

    The Craft she learnt before she could understand
    what it could mean. She looks in the mirror
    and sees a crescent tattooed on her forehead
    and a thousand stars gather at her feet,
    reclaiming what has always belonged to her.

    She raises her hand, drawing down the Moon,
    feeling Her presence within her heart, visiting
    supra-sensible dimensions as her conscience alters
    and the whole world is a seed, a leaf, a flower
    and a fruit.

    Sacred woman, who are you when you are not you anymore?
    Sacred woman, who do you honor when you embrace
    the rituals of love and pleasure?

    Hail Sweet Mother,
    The Craft is what she inherited and what those who came through
    her will inherit too.
    Blessed Be this woman who was born into the light.
    Blessed be the one who will always bow to you.

    The one above is mine. Cant believe it!
    She closed her profile so flag her again people!

  • Meena Krish
    12 years ago

    Okay I went to flag her under her changed name with the list that has been complied here and it says that the writer has closed her profile. BUT how can we be sure that she has not gone to another site and posted all of these or changed her name again!

  • Poet on the Piano
    12 years ago

    Oh geez, I just saw that too. She changed her name but closed her profile, the only way to get to all the poems is by the links that I see. So does that mean that she didn't take all the poems down but just closed profile/writing account part?

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    Yes but you can still flag her. Where are the mods there huh? What a weird thing!

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    I believe it may be up to the mods now to delete her account entirely, which should include the links to our poems.

    I hope they do something about it

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    "We've had three mods make contact with the site, apart from that I think this is pretty much all we can do at this time. "

    4 mods: I registered, flagged & sent protest yesterday about 4 pm

  • Lioness
    12 years ago


    I just hope there's no truth to what the other person said about the mods on that site not being active.

  • Lioness
    12 years ago

    Hey guys,

    Does anyone have the link to the DMCA where you can request a takedown for free???

  • Sherry Lynn
    12 years ago

    I am locking this thread cause we have reached 100.