advice please help me!!!

  • silentscream
    19 years ago

    me and my great b/f are arguing
    b/c i used to joke around and like
    when he would ask where i am going i would be like jennas
    and he would ask what we would do
    i would be like"everything"
    and we would laugh
    i never did
    until i met faith
    and then i cant lie or hide something from him
    hes my best friend
    and my boyfriend
    so now he gets all wierd about it
    and doest want me hanging w/ certian girls and
    want to know if then touch me wrong
    and like he got all mad when i lick icing off this gurl finger
    im like do you trust me
    and he says he does but he acts like he dont
    what should i do


  • silentscream
    19 years ago


  • olivia
    19 years ago

    well if your into girls and your bisexaul then you should tell him so.some guys feel threathend by it soem dotn if your going to want to be with a girl and have a bf who doenst approve then you ned to make a choice.its eitehr your with your bf and leave the girls alone cause you knwo how much it upsets him or you find a guy whos ok with it or you spend alone time where you can date soem girls or date soem guys or both and not have anything seriuos know what i mean.well idk thats all i got =/ sorry if it wanst much help.good luck!

  • silentscream
    19 years ago

    im not bi thought
    i was but i aint any more
    so yeah

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Just be honest with him and tell him that you love ONLY him and he's the only person you want to be with. Tell him that you were joking with the sexual connotations with the other girl and that he should trust that you would never cheat on him with a girl or a guy.

  • silentscream
    19 years ago


  • Bill
    19 years ago

    well Caris

    search your heart you guys may be going in differant directions. remember if it gets out of hand then you won't even have him as a friend at all. I am not telling you to break up, although you may want to concider talking to him about it. If breaking up may save your friendship and talking about it may save the relationship.

    Take care and good luck

    True to the end;

  • silentscream
    19 years ago

    tank you i did and we are back to ur crazy for eachother selves