12 years ago
I found this very old poetry book at a second hand store. The front is hardcover with gold emblem "Dante" |
Dark Secrets
12 years ago
Not really, but I searched it on the online books page and skimmed through it. It's an epic poem (long and tells a story) told through different acts in three chapters (Hell, Purgatory & Paradise) ... it looks like a love story, but I don't know. I feel like it's interesting. |
12 years ago
Oooo, looks like you found yourself a nice old copy of The Divine Comedy. (Comedy as in "has a happy ending," not as in "funny.") |
12 years ago
Sibby. Thank you for responding, you too Dark Secrets :)The way this book is put together is like 3 pages folded...it is sewn together with a thick thread material, not wire. Its cover is charcoal grey indented with flowers (lilys and panseys?) |
12 years ago
Yes Sibby That is the book. Not bad for 25 cents huh.... |
12 years ago
Sibby. I would be willing to part with this book :) after I am done trying to make heads or tails of it. |