
  • Rachel
    21 years ago

    Emily Dickinson.... one of my favorite Poets. I would love it of someone could discuss her work with me. If you have never read her work, or heard of her, look her up. Be warned though... she is very heavy and very strange....

  • blackrose1011
    19 years ago

    hate her, hate her, hate her

    though she has great ideas.... grrrr... to many quotes that she passed off as poems. However her meater and images are awesome, her questions fabulous! But she is just not my style!


  • Manda
    19 years ago

    dude i think she is awesome! i love all her poems......i think i like her so much because she was so different and people can't understand her ....and to the comment made above "to many quotes that she passed off as poems" she didn't have a decision of what they were when they were published......i agree some of them could be quotes but it wasn't HER decision