I love you - please do not move it this time

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago


    Read this poem....

    I love you

    i love you and you love me
    thats the way our loves should be
    but you just say
    you didnt even love me anyway

    you use too think i was an angel from above.
    now you say im not the one you love
    all I want is you write now
    but you have gone so i ask how

    you have put me threw so much pain
    i just cant love again
    now im left here alone to cry
    without you i just want to die

    Tell me what you think. But I don't mean whether you liked it, whether you could relate to it etc, critique it from a poetical point of view. This poem was written by myself in about 2 mins and it not personal in anyway, so should be looked at from only a poetical view. Criticize it the best you can please.
    I just wondered what everyones view would be on this "poem", because if i read this i know what i'd say....

    There is a reason i'm posting it here, not to get people to read my work. I want to see just how much people can critique.
    The purpose of this post is to help people with their critiqing skills. So i'm asking all the admin people to not move this again, thanks.

  • BaybeBlew
    19 years ago

    This poem is boring, uncreative and has grammatical errors.

    "you have put me threw so much pain"
    It's through, as in - I went through the tunnel
    Not threw, as in - You threw yourself off a bridge

    "You use too think i was an angel from above."
    It's to, as in - I went to a nudist colony
    Not too, as in - I smoked too much crack
    And the 'I' is uncapitalized.

  • Sean Allen
    19 years ago

    don't post poems in the forums, it is against the rules.

  • t i f f a n y ♥
    19 years ago

    I don't like this poem. It doesn't have enough emotion, enough passion. It feels like it was just written without an ounce of thought.

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Post this is the appropriate forum thats why it was previously deleted...this is not the place to advertise your poetry and is against regulation to do so within this forum...

  • Ş∂ņďħy∂
    19 years ago

    I know why you have posted this here. This is not your regular style of writing poems. For a moment, I was shocked to see the poem was written by you. If I am not wrong, this is a very ironic post.

    This poem lacks everything!

    “i love you and you love me
    thats the way our loves should be”
    but you just say
    you didnt even love me anyway”

    This is very weak! It’s like a statement. And the rhymes are clearly forced.

    “you use too think i was an angel from above.
    now you say im not the one you love
    all I want is you write now
    but you have gone so i ask how”

    Comparing a person as an angel has become too old. It might sound better if it is mentioned in a different way. May be, if you replace it with better metaphors or stronger words then it might sound better. Grammar mistakes made this stanza look greater!
    Do I have to go to the other stanza?
    Well they’re no better than any other line in this poem

    The subject is the same old story, which I read on every poem related sites.
    There is no punctuation or capitalization in the entire poem. The rhymes are irritating.

    The point is, ‘this is bad poetry’. To write good poetry, it requires more time, not 2 minutes. Silver is a good poet. Definitely, this is not her style. Therefore, THIS IS NOT AN ADVERTISEMENT.

    Silver: Your intention is good. But I don’t think anybody is going to change their way of writing even if they understand your point. I hope what I wrote above, was the same that you wanted others to realize.

    Good luck!

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    I'm glad other people see my point. So, how many poems on this site are just like these?
    How many people write poems in two mins and post them thinking they are "the best thing ever?"
    It is irritating isn't it.


    Thank you to all the people that placed feedback on the "poem". I'm glad to see people can critique. It's just i've seen poetry like the above getting underserved praise.

    Thanks again. Please carry on checking my "poem" and the other one that Friends~ wrote. See what you can say about them, and think about it when reading poems in future.

  • katie!
    19 years ago

    I don't write poems thinking theyre great I right them to get the feelings out of my head in the way I like to poetry, it is annoying when that happens but I still feel like people think that you are writing a poem for comments on its greatness, some people do true, but not everyone, I love getting comments and constructive criticism as it helps me improve but thats not what I write for

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    "Underserved praise"

    It's not underserved praise, though there are a million poems on this site just like the one you wrote a lot of people like them. You have to remember the ages and the personalities are in such a wide range on the web site. Every one is different and like different things.

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Very true