
  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Let's not deny the fact that almost all poets are so emotional that they love drama a lot.

    And with drama here, I mean DRAMA movies.

    - What are some of the best Dramatic movies you have watched?

    - And who are the actors/actresses that you were very influenced by in certain dramatic roles?

    >>> I adored the movies 'Detachment'.... and..... 'The Black Swan'...... and ....... 'The Reader'...... and ..... 'The Iron Lady'....... and..... 'The Kite Runner' ........ and..... 'An Education' ........ oh, I can't remember now!

    >>> I so much liked 'Adrien Brody' in Detachment, 'Kate Winslet' in The Reader, and Carey Mulligan in An Education.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I thought I knew the meaning of "drama" categories in movies, until I got Netflix. The movies they list as dramas really... aren't? Very odd choices!

    I'll think on this, drawing a blank on movies. I loved The Black Swan.. what a twist.

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    I am very very proud of you lol, when I saw the very few first lines of your post, the 1st movie that came to my mind was " THE READER"....just moving, so so emotional.

    Also, 7 pounds! Will smith, he's so...yap.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Yes, actually, most drama movies aren't drama only. Usually, they are thriller dramas... or historical dramas... light drama....

    When I watch a movie, I love to be moved away. That's why I hate the Sci-fi movies that invade theaters nowadays. I search for Drama, and they are countable!


    Nana, if you liked The Reader, then for sure you will like An Education! ;)

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    I will buy it tomorrow, however I feel like the Reader, had this special taste, I had no idea where it was going! Also the historical sprinkles, if you know what I mean, that were well used in the movie, left a stronger impression.

    It was sad. I will tell you what I think! btw is it also explicit lol ? like T.Reader

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago

    All those you mentioned are great.

    I also liked The Usual Suspects, the Unbearable Lightness of Being, Match Point, In the Bedroom, No Country for Old Men, The Shawshank Redemption, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Talented Mr. Ripley, La Dolce Vita, Maria Full of Grace, The Departed, The Descendants, The Piano, Winter's Bone... I could go on for ages

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Lol Nana, I know what you mean, there is no nudity like the Reader, as I still remember. It had this magic like the Reader, and I agree about what you said concerning history info incorporation... that added some solid background!


    Thanks, Larry!! I don't know any movies you have mentioned from those except for The Descendants which I found so so so so boring and not enticing at all :P

    I will buy those you have mentioned! A movie is for 75 cents here hehe

  • Colm
    11 years ago

    Drama must be the misc category of films, it seems anything that can't be defined or is a mix is lumped under 'drama.'

    Of those mentioned, I really liked Seven Pounds and especially No Country For Old Men: I don't think there was any music but it was compelling for it.

    Daniel Day Lewis is a very good dramatic actor (There will be Blood, My Left Foot amongst others). Some courtroom dramas such A Time to Kill, The Hurricance and A Few Good Men are very watchable.

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Schlinders List, It's a Wonderful Life are all good films, if they come under drama or not, you decide!

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


    hahahahah Abed a new store opened over here, ofcourse not original copies but REALLY great amazing high quality! for 500 L.L lol

  • Yakari Gabriel
    11 years ago

    "The last place on earth"

    "My sisters keeper"

    "the boy in the striped pj's </3 :"( "

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    Abed, you liked "The Iron Lady" ?

    I thought it was horribly disappointing, even insulting. The focus of the film was Margaret Thatcher's mental deterioration. It painted her as someone weak, unstable, and pitiable. The film did nothing to highlight her wonderful characteristics, and it did ZERO in the way of educating watchers about her fantastic life, and the impact she's had on history.
    Movies about important female political figures are far and wide, and it's a shame for a movie about someone like Margaret Thatcher to have questionable messages. I give it a 0/10.

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    Oooo, movie discussion throwdown! Do it! I want to see the fur fly. I like how disagreeing about movies can really get people going.

    I agree that "drama" seems to be a vague category. I read the first post thinking "yeah, I like drama movies," but when I really think about it, I have no idea how I'd define it. Movies that focus on serious emotions? Movies that are theatrical? No eye-deer.

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    You must all lead rather blissful lives if you'd volunteer to go see a movie that brings more drama into your brainbox. My work and real life show me enough drama, I don't need any more from my movies.


    That said, "no country for old men" and "Melancholia" were very dramatic films, as was "there will be blood". All 3 of them were alien to me culturally, or due to the natures of the characters in some way so I never felt I was watching another version of my own life. You know, like people who watch soap opera's of boring fucks just like them on tv.


  • Yakari Gabriel
    11 years ago

    Veronica decides to die, and precious

    tho both had dissapointing endings

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago

    The Unbearable Lightness of Being stars Daniel Day Lewis the year before My Left Foot. He was still unknown. Probably rated R for sex, so Nana, you are not allowed to see it.

    Takes place during the Czech Spring (1968) & the Soviet crush. Very political.


    Jane! Iron Lady did cover her growing dementia as she aged, but my god it showed her as the dynamic leader she was as well. It showed her in charge and more attuned to power and it's usage than any man on the stage.

    Also, the devotion her husband had for her career is all too rare for women and that alone made the flick worth seeing. The conditions on which she accepted his proposal is something I hope my daughters all take to heart.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Curious Case of BB is amazing, too... some of the very few long films I have watched without getting bored!

    My sister's keeper also.... :'(

    I remember: The Lovely Bones.... shiversssss!

    Nana, wth? Here 1000 L.L per a high quality DVD... why there 500 ??? O_O UNFAIR!

    Jane, yes, I liked it. Whenever someone makes a series or a film about the life of a known figure who died, it wouldn't be all true. you know... because of certain dramatic strategies! Probably I liked it because of Meryl Streep, I didn't like her before, but when I saw how much of a perfectionist she was, I was deeply pulled into the movie. The best part was when she said in her youth: I don't want to die while washing a cup of tea (referring to yearning to be a powerful independent woman).... and in the end, they showed her washing one!!! I had goooooosebumps.

    Yaki, Precious was amazing and very touching, I forgot it. And I didn't know Veronica decides to die was made into a movie... cool.

    Larry is right. Many sides of Margaret T. were shown, and as I said, writers want pepper and salt in movies, that's why they don't show 100% facts. I know that from the Arab world, whenever they make a movie or a tv series about someone famous, the court is always awaiting :p

  • Darren
    11 years ago

    The shawshank redemption is my fav film of all time, every single actor in that film act out of their skins. I also love the Elizabeth the first films.

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    Hahaha Larry pointed me up..Oops.. okay :( not going to watch.. :P :]

    And lol Abed! 1000 ? MUHAHAHHA :P okay whenever you want a big number of movies, let me know, I'll buy and send, you'll save half of your budget.

    Veronica decided to die! I read the novel, so heartbreaking, did not know it was also made as a movie! Shall watch

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    Going to have to remain in disagreement with you guys about Iron Lady. I watched it with a group of older people who seemed to know a bit about Thatcher's life, and when the film ended, needless to say it was an overwhelming flop. We were all actually sort of grumpy with how the poor woman was portrayed.
    My recollection of the movie is watching lengthy scenes of an old, lonely, rapidly declining woman fall to pieces with a commotion of over-the-top grunts and moans. I learned next to nothing about her political career and her regimes.

    I do agree with loads of other films mentioned in this thread.
    No Country for Old Men, Curious Case of B&B, Black Swan... a few others. All very good.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    I haven't seen Iron Lady so...maybe I shouldn't comment but...I was brought up in the UK and lived there while she was prime minister....she was called the Iron Lady back then and she was also Britain's first female PM and...she had a lot of opposition simply for that reason but she also had backbone, determinaion and a whole lot of other traits that kept her in leadership for over 10 years. I think the movie was maybe trying to focus on the demise of such a strong person.....I'm going to have to watch this movie now :)

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    The movie was mainly concerned about the dramatic part of Alzheimer disease, as I have read somewhere. From my parents, I hear that she was a stunning hero and an idol for all women in the old days. I don't know much about UK history, but she definitely had her mark in history.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Yes..she definately did LP and...I'd recommend you look into her life prior to her demise as a person.

    What's Eating Gilbert Grape was a great drama movie IMO...Starring Johnny Depp but I think Leonardo di Caprio stole the show as the mentally disabled brother.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Johnny Depp and Leo in one movie????!!! That's awesome.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Well....they are both very good character actors (as is Meryl Streep)..I think this was one of Leo's first movies....but OMG...he is absolutely brilliant in his part!.....Juliet Lewis was also in it and she wasn't too bad either....definately worth a watch!

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Leo & Johnny are two of my faves! I guess it was either made in the late 90s or early 2000s?
    I'll definitely watch that, too.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Not sure....Leo was very young looking...I will advise....it would have been a very mediocre movie without his performance....but....it was outstanding and.. if he'd been better known at the time...definately an oscar in the bag!

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    The hours is a great movie as well as The unbearable lightness of being, Camille Claudel, A passage to India, Maurice ad so many others.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    What about...The Great Escape....if anyone wasn't on the edge of their seat for this one...man ....you're not human!!!!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago

    Great Escape: Yes, saw it as a young man 1st & loved McQueen. Later I appreciated Richard Attenborough's role: "Meanwhile, we dig."


    I just showed Gilbert Grape to Jessica. She was amazed by Leo's performance. He plays a challenged character so well, it gives me new respect for his abilities. Oscar Nominated for the role.


    American Beauty was good, The Cider House Rules, Stalag 17.

    My all time three favorites:
    The Maltese Falcon
    The African Queen

    All Humphrey Bogart

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Adrien Brody also plays someone mentally challenged in The Village.

    He did great IMO, and I want to compare him to Leo when I see the movie!

  • Colm
    11 years ago

    The Cider House Rules started off good but went a little flat in my opinion, it was still decent though.

    The Village is a decent film too.

    I'd like to add a Robert De Niro double of The Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver, both movies to watch no doubt. De Niro is a great actor, can play comedic roles well too. Raging Bull is top of my list of movies to see, its supposed to be very good.

    Leonardo DiCaprio has been in some very good movies too, Shutter Island, Inception being two that stick in recent memory. He is in 'The Great Gatsby' too, which looks good and is one film I'll definitely be heading off to see

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I really loved Inception, it took me a few times to catch on (of course I watch movies at night when I sleep through half of it lol). Shutter Island creeped me out of bit.. more so the 'in your head' stuff, him not knowing what was really happening.

    I guess that goes for both movies. Either way, they were good.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    LOL Britt.... I was watching The Village last night at 1 am.... and fell asleep through midway.

    Inception was awesome.
    Shutter Island was totally unexpected. I liked it so much!

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    What's Eating Gilbert Grape is one of my favorite movies.

    The Hours? Oh god, don't get me started... possibly the worst movie I've ever seen, besides 21 Grams, Passion In The Desert, or Doubt. Blech.

    Other favorites in Drama: Into The Wild, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, Good Will Hunting, American Beauty, American History X, The Kite Runner, 7 Pounds, Fight Club, Braveheart, Gran Torino, Gladiator, Full Metal Jacket, Requiem For A Dream, The King's Speech, Donnie Darko, Oldboy, Crash, Edward Scissorhands, A Beautiful Mind, Remember The Titans, The Blind Side, Warrior, The Patriot, Last of the Mohicans, Dances with Wolves...

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    The King's Speech!! Geoffrey Rush was brilliant and moved me so much. Colin Firth did great in the stammering part also. I liked the former's role more though.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I looooove Good Will Hunting. Is it bad that my favorite part is when he gets the girls number and asks the guy 'how do you like them apples?' Bahaha.

  • Exostosis
    11 years ago

    Does nobody like The Godfather?. .or Apocalypse now?.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    I guess 99% of the world likes The Godfather.
    I am from the 1% that don't :$

  • Exostosis
    11 years ago

    ^ Abed, do you not like Sci-fi at all?..No Star Wars?. . or The lord of the rings?. . Pandorum?. .

    Another title is to eventually come up - The Notebook. Odd that it hasnt sprung.

    Categorized under drama - Romance.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I see The Notebook as romance, not drama. But I do love it lol.

    I've never seen the Godfather :/