
  • Exostosis
    11 years ago

    ^ Not a fan of The Notebook. Its okay for one time viewing, anything more and its smothering, personally.

    But, Drama has a huge spectrum of genres. And the movies are sub-categorized. There is

    Romantic Drama.
    Criminal Drama.
    Historical Drama.
    Comedy Drama.
    Tragedy Drama.

    The IMDb page for, The Notebook.


    ^ Categorized as Drama l Romance.

  • Naughtymouse
    11 years ago

    I have to say that i havent seen the iron lady but im gonna have to now, she was definitely an iron lady and held her own amongst prejudice for which she should be commended, but i seem to remember her destroying much of the home grown industry in the uk and many 'Social commentators' hold her and her Cabinet responsible for putting half of the country out of work and throwing them into a depression causing many many social issues particularly in the north of the country. i soooooo have to watch this movie :-) thanks for highlighting it :-)

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    I loved the Hours.I found interesting the way they used Virginia Wolf in the narrative linking all the stories. Superb.

  • Nema
    11 years ago

    Colm! Thanks for mentioning DiCaprio's movies! :D

    Has anyone seen August Rush? It's a beautiful movie :)

    And I'm surprised no one mentioned any of Dan Brown's movies. Angels And Demos at least?

    Btw great choices there!!!! :)

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    Alright, now we're just naming every movie we can think of! : ) Apparently this is a broad category.

  • Poet on the Piano
    11 years ago

    I'd definitely say Inception too....seen it 2 times.
    Limitless, The Adjustment Bureau.

    August Rush is such a beautiful movie, I agree Nema!!!!

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Ben...it was a long time ago but....if my memory serves me correctly the recession hit the UK not long after she took over from the Labour Party so...maybe they should be held responsible for at least some of the damage? I do remember the firemen were on strike for something like 12 weeks looking for more pay as per their unions'advice but...she didn't give an inch....why would she when the country was still struggling to recover. She also came through the Falkland's War...Stood up to the soviets and....well, I guess I'd need to look back for more info but....she was the longest serving PM of her time so she must have been doing something right.

    The Boy in the Blue Striped Pyjamas
    Shildler's List
    Sophie's Choice

    All movies with the same theme...all worth a watch.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Gaurav, I rarely like Sci-Fi movies. I liked Inception and Avatar. Of course... The Hunger Games also (although I don't know if I can call it like this) ;)

    But most Sci-fis talking about certain heroes like Thor and Iron Man and Superman, etc..... I don't find any interest in them.

    If I go to the cinemas to watch them, it is because my friends like to, not me :P

    I mostly like Drama and Horror.....

    lol Sib, yes, now we have skipped Drama to other genres. Angels and Demons is not drama :p I like it, somehow.

  • Naughtymouse
    11 years ago

    Hellon very briefly......indeed the faulklands and the soviet thing were good things but the sheer numbers and the decimation of industry in the uk were down to her. A rise in unemployment from 1.4m in 1979 to 3.5m by 1982 - Three years and 2.5m more people out of work - this coupled with a decrease in benefits (particulary for those in ireland where 20% ov the overall population were out of work) Oh and VAT Rose from 8% to a massive 15%!!

    She was a strong woman and there is no doubt she did do some good whilst in her 11.5 year place in office, and her story is fascinating, but the country was in sooooo much more of a worse state than when she started, which we still feel the effects of today. As for the length of her office....well politics as far as i can tell is a bit like doing the washing, some of the biggest staines end up being the most difficult to get rid of.

    Schindlers list is an Amazing Film and i have to have seen it about 50 times lol

    EDIT: hmmmmm^^^^^^ that read like a bit of a rant lol that wasnt quiet as intended, it was just a few facts is all, you see with ol' Maggie, there were some people who benefited from her but these were people who were already rich, the poorer people suffered tremendously and the people on the line between the two also suffered. At the time England was still an industrial power house with much production and manufacture, design. as an example boat-building was a hugh industry paying well and employing thousands and thousands e.t.c maggie literally killed it off os when i think of her unfortunately i dont see so many of the good things she did, because she effected more people in a negative way than she did positively. IMO

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Ben...I'm not going to argue with you because I no longer live in UK but..when I did I was old enough to vote and I did vote for Maggie....not first time around I will admit but...she had something to offer back then that others hadn't and that was the balls to stand up for what she believed and...long term...while she was in power it was good...now....the country is in a shambles.....it wasn't her fault IMO...if she was still steering the ship it would be all good.

    From your profile I see...you were just a bub back then?

  • Naughtymouse
    11 years ago

    No im glad because im just stating facts that socially and economically the country was left pretty much broken, aaand yep i was a baby at the time, what my age has to do with anything i dont know? im a 32 year old man, period. However part of my degree is in politics and economics. Much of my family up and down the country were effected by her and her cabinet so naturally i am against many of the things she did....even the people in her political party at the time agree with most of the view points i raised, in true political retort they start many of their sentences with " in hindsight"

    But i do consider your point of view....although i dont agree.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    You see..that's the difference when I try to debate with the younger generation.....they have all studied it...have degrees in it....yet you haven't lived it? Do you know what I'm saying? Thatcherism as it was called then had a lot of people going WTF at the time but.....she went with the waves..the unenployment eventually got better...(if you wanted a job) the country got better....I was never unemployed during her reign BTW...now...so many are on benifits...it pisses me off big time and...I don't even live here!

  • Naughtymouse
    11 years ago

    Hellon you werent trying to debate, we WERE debating. Your arguments not just on this topic but on others to are usually valid but then you spoil your arguments by being condesending, my age doesnt matter, i wasnt around when hitler swept through europe so i guess i couldnt understand it or have a valid debate.... fyi i grew up in and directly after her reign, i was the working generation that tried to put back together what she broke. Im please that you weren't unemployed, genuinely iam because likei said previously she had 2.5 million people out of work as a direct result of legislaton that her party passed with in three years of being in office, and that number grew considerably. Lived through it or not the facts speak very clearly for themselves, crazy rises in base rate, massive rises in unemployment, massive decreases in public service for MORE money.....you dont have to live through that to understand that it was bad for the country, mind you if i wanted to use your thinking perhaps that is what i get for debateing with someone who lived it and has the "good old days" sentimentality eh?

    As for the country now i agree totally the benefits system only breeds lazyness and kills peoples motivation to go and look for work, i have had the misfortune to be unemployed, but i washed cars of people up my street, did garage sales and lived on 30p supernoodles. So i could to keep my mortgage.... The world is a very different place now and the youth have no idea of what a work ethic is, they make me sick, you have children having children who dont want to work and my taxes get higher each year to pay for them, why i should have to pay to bring up other peoples children, if they are out of work for more than six months then i they they should have the benefits stopped, there actually is plenty of work availiable its just the youth of today dont want to do it so we have foreigners come over to do it instead, crazyness!

    EDIT: i wont comment any. Further on this topic its a waste of energy to go around in circles.

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    What about, Changeling starring Angelina Jolie?

  • Naughtymouse
    11 years ago

    Angelina jolie.......@_@!!! Hoooooot, ive not seen it but i bet its good lmao!

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    Hahahah, it's heartbreaking

  • Exostosis
    11 years ago


    Inception and Avatar were nice.

    But most Sci-fi talking about certain heroes like Thor and Iron Man and Superman, etc..... I don't find any interest in them.

    ^ I grew up watching Cartoon Network. So I am a fan of X men, Captain Planet, Swat Kats, Justice League, Dexters Lab and more. Watching superhero movies does not come close to watching those cartoons. Green Lantern, The Avengers, The Thor, Captain America, X men first class, were all less than average movies even though they did all right on box office. There is unnecessary humor added to the movies, which kills it for me.

    Anywho, we should have a thread for Horror movies =)

  • Jordan
    11 years ago

    The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is probably the best drama I've seen to date. Pan's Labyrinth is up there, too.

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    Pan's Labyriiiiiiinth! (Ok, now I'm doing it too.)

    Wonderful, terrible movie. And the score is completely haunting.

    I think I'd distinguish superheroes from sci-fi.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Ben...I'm sorry if you find my posts condesending..really..I'm not like that..just don't see the point in sugar coating anything. My dad hated everything dear Maggie stood for because we were very working class people ourselves and most of my family felt the same towards her. However....back then I was in my teens and I had different thoughts so....I looked more into the future...not far enough I guess because the introduction of the poll tax for example was not a good decision and yet....I think she made the right choice in keeping Britain out of the Common Market (What's it called now BTW)...I'm not saying she was perfect in any way but...the alternatives back then were even worse.

    Now...regarding what we do both agree on....out of control benefits....and I am glad you managed to keep your head afloat and saved your house....really, that is a huge effort I know. I've lived in Australia for over 20 years now and I know someone who took my social security number and used it for employment while seeking benefits in their own name....I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one this has happened to so....do you now see why I was annoyed?

  • Exostosis
    11 years ago


    I think I'd distinguish superheroes from sci-fi.

    ^ Superhero movies do technically have elements of sci-fi.

    Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with imaginary but more or less plausible (or at least non-supernatural) content such as future settings, futuristic science and technology, space travel, parallel universes, aliens, and paranormal abilities. Exploring the consequences of scientific innovations is one purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas".

    ^ Wikipedia definition.

    Example - Captain America received his powers/capabilities from a scientific experiment. An experimental serum to produce better soldiers.

    Iron Man - A powered exoskeleton suit. Futuristic.

    X men - Possession of X- gene. Mutation.

    ^ More or less Plausible.

  • Hellon
    11 years ago

    Dr.Who??? I loved that back then but...when I look at it now...OMG...the Tardis????

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    I have picked 5 random movies from this thread, and today I watched the 1st: AUGUST RUSH

    It was fantasticccccc! I'll buy mooore, and the next one I'm gonna watch is The Shawshank Redemption.

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    V - Yeah, I guess there's a fair bit of crossover. But to me, they seem distinct in tone, or something. I'd classify a lot of superhero as having more of a mythical flavour on an individual level (hence the hero, I suppose) while the mythology of sci-fi is more universal. But that might just be me.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Thanks for whoever suggested 7 Pounds...
    I'm on No Country For Old Men next.

  • Sunshine
    11 years ago

    I knew you you'd love it! you're welcome :P

    and if you haven't watched "The Persuit of Happiness" and " If only" yet, then please do :)

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Ah, it was you :P

    Of course, all names here will be watched. There are some movies though I'm not finding them. Thanks, darling:)

  • Hallucinostic
    11 years ago

    I like it old school, Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, Macbeth (the 1971 Polanski thingy), Hitchcock films (its dramatic-ish too, in a suspense, psychological thriller-y kinda way)

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    ^ Thanks, Deb. Nice to see you again, dude :D

  • Colm
    11 years ago

    Argo and The Perks of Being a Wallflower are both good: its not very often two consecutive trips to the cinema yield such a high return for the investment of the tickets.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    I saw the trailer of The Perks of being a wallflower,
    looked gr8!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago


  • Jordan
    11 years ago

    Ooh, I really want to see that. Daniel Day Lewis must knock it out of the park.

  • Hallucinostic
    11 years ago

    ^Im always around Abed, just enjoying quiet time, hehe.
    ... and bro, cmon, dont tell me you forgot to spell my name, "i" not "e". :P

  • Kevin
    11 years ago

    You want drama? This is the most dramatic movie I've ever seen.

    (bit of adult language kids)


  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    I'm truly embarrassed, Dib :$

    That was a typing mistake lol :S:S

  • Hellon
    11 years ago


    OMG...I can't believe you took the time to tell him this? You were embarrassed about a typo? You have much more to be embarrassed about on this site so....get your priorities right...yeah?

  • Hallucinostic
    11 years ago

    ^Well Abid, its understandable really. We all know the "e" is very close to "i" on the keyboard, just a couple of inches away, so yeah, anybody can easily make a typing mistake thing, lol. ;P
    ... anyways, all is well so, you can go on now, deal with the other priorities like what Hellon said. :)

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Deb and Dib are pronounced differently :p
    But Abed is pronounced Abid ;)

    haha... take care dude!

    btw, Gone With the Wind is a nice suggestion!

  • Hallucinostic
    11 years ago

    That, I didnt know, lucky you. Mine on the other hand, one mistake and it gives me a different gender hehe.
    Yeah, Gone With The Wind, nice, specially if you got lots of time in your hands. I kinda finished it in 3 or 4 sittings I think.