
  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Really? :O

    I didn't know that. So Deb is for females? Dib is for males? Interesting info! first time to know that...
    so I may be excused ;)


    Actually it needs more sittings :p

    I watched 7 Pounds over 3 weeks lol... and it is NOT a long movie.

    Gone With The Wind... God knows how many weeks!

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    NM said"...indeed the faulklands and the soviet thing were good things

    I am sorry Ben but what happened in The Faulklands was not good at all and whether wrong or right, we all take pity on Argentina here because of that war.

  • Hallucinostic
    11 years ago

    ^^Not really some technical thing or whatever. Yknow, Deb, short for Debbie, Deborah. :D
    Yeah, probably, I wonder when it was first shown, I bet some of the movie goers butts got sore, hehe. :D

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago

    Five good movies Rosaura & I just saw over the past week & my rankings (plus one bad one):

    Lincoln. (5 academy awards, 8 golden globes, more nominations)

    Skyfall. (great action, not the best Bond but high up there; nominations for technical & sound editing)

    Flight. (2 academy awards, 3 golden globes; all technical; nominations for Denzal Washington, one nom for John "I'm on the list" Goodman)

    Argo. (2 academy awards, 3 golden globes, for screenplay & supporting (John Goodman & Alan Arkin); several nominations)

    Twilight Breaking Dawn, part 2. (academy award & golden globes nominations for special effects)

    Hangover pt 2 (fugedebouded)

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Some suggestions.

    Almodovar's fims:

    Talk to her
    All about my mother
    Bad Education
    Law of Desire

    De Sica's films:

    Umberto D
    Two women
    The gardenof the Finzi-Continis

    Jean-Jacques Beineix's films:

    Betty Blue

    Ingmar Bergman's films:

    A lesson in Love
    The passion of Anna
    Fanny and Alexander
    The best intentions

    Ooops most of them are old but I'm an old woman he he he
    Ps: My hormones haven't annoyed me...yet lol

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    No.. Larry... no... don't say Twilight! :P
    That movie is totally not worth it.


    lol Karla lol

    * btw, if those are Brazilian movies, then they aren't found in the market here..

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Nah. They are Spanish, French, Italian and Swedish.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Oh... not found either where i buy my movies :P

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Can't you watch them on the internet? Here we can.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    You mean youtube?

    it would take an endless time to buffer... so it's very annoying!

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Nah. not Youtube. Here we have sites where we can watch films on line there.

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Have a look at this link


  • Karla
    11 years ago

    And this


  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Another one


  • Karla
    11 years ago

    More one link


  • Karla
    11 years ago

    All of them are free. There are some others too.

  • Decayed
    11 years ago

    Oh thanks! I will try one of these though I'm not sure the connection is fast enough. It's so slow!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    11 years ago

    Karla! Edit your posts, don't keep double posting.

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    Sorry Larry.

  • Jordan
    11 years ago

    Goodbye Lenin! is another good one. It's a German flick concerning the fall of the Iron Curtain in Germany and it stars Daniel Bruhl, who has since made it into Hollywood films uch as Inglorious Basterds and The Bourne Ultimatum. It won a lot of awards. :)