12 years ago
I'm going to ask the younger generation on this site a question...20ish and under for I know you all grew up with gameboys etc...and now more advanced technology so forgive me for the little I know about this but...Do you know how to go outside and play..just using your own imagination? |
12 years ago
Good topic Hellon. I'm 21. Too be honest, this topic really bothers me because I cant stand watching this younger generation worsen. Relying on movies and gameboys and xbox and ipods. |
12 years ago
THANK YOU Chels!....I'm actually looking at my kids partners who are constantly on the phones and wondering WTF...you have your own kids here now...GET OFF YOUR FRIGGING PHONE..my two are not so bad...although they both have facebook I know but....they never had the TV on...I PLAYED with them....we went on adventures....it was so much fun just packing a bag to go to the end of the garden....you know...climb a tree that has bark...you might fall out and get bruised but....it was real and you learned not to do it again...there was no score for reach the highest branch for example...Jeezz...I worry about kids now....Sorry...probably sound ancient....I know! |
12 years ago
I'm worried too. If parents don't step up this world is gonna be terrible to live in. Because see, its not the kids fault. They do what they are taught. If they are taught its ok to watch movies all day, taught that they can bring their ipod everywhere, they know no difference. Which is pathetic. I say don't have kids if you don't have time for them or don't now how to spend time with them properly. |
12 years ago
Even I remember Seseme Street...Ok...I was probably watching it with my kids but...they are educational....(The guy who voiced over the count died recently...did you know) anyway...educational is ok...Playschool etc....it teaches them I know...teaches me sometimes haha! but...so many people stick their kids in front of a tv rather than let them got outside and play.....that's my worry... |
12 years ago
^ that's what I mean :( I'm all for educational shows and toys for that matter, but I just don't see one on one time anymore. The kids are left to learn alone, parents walk away and get things done...which like I said, isn't ALWAYS bad....but it happens more than it should. And to get your child hooked on electronics when they are young is what gets them hooked when they get older. Which is what makes them rude in my opinion to be on them at family events and churches and parties. I can't stand it. Never ending cycle, because then those people teach it to their kids since that is what they were taught. |
12 years ago
Chels...do you know what a pogo stick is? or a..bugger what's the name for the toy that...well it looked like saturn..ball in the middle and a round surface that your put your feet on and...jumped..if you could lol!! |
12 years ago
Getting hooked on electronics isnt bad. Most of the brain development occurs before the age of 5. That is when one can provide their child with curiosity to explore technology. Those children could grow up to be programmers, web designers, Administrators, inventors may be. |
12 years ago
^ yeah exactly there should be a time limit! If there isn't thats when it becomes an addiction and there is no more learning, there is no "curiosity", they are just simply addicted...which stays in teenage years and into adult years, hence a rude generation haha! |
12 years ago
^ I will agree. It can become an addiction. But it is for the parents to see that their children arent addicted. We are helpless as far as others methods, for raising their children are concerned. You can only speak for so long, until you realize it is being projected onward deaf receptors. |
Yakari Gabriel
12 years ago
I know, this world is something I don't want my unborns to grow up in. as a matter of fact its something I myself don't wanna be in |
Samuel Ernst
12 years ago
I grew up when nintendo was getting big and all that, but my family didnt have alot of tech, we had one tv, and it was ALWAYS on the news, I may have watched a few cartoons when I went to my friends house. I played outside alot, and worked on things, like my friends bikes, or helped my uncle work on his project car, he let me do small things. I got my first gameboy when I was like 15, and it was AMAZING to me, but it didnt control my life. all my friends are really into their gadgets and video games, I have an xbox now, but I rarly play it, I do love my smart phone, no lie,I would be lost without it! lol |
Tara Kay
12 years ago
I'm 24 and I had a huge imagination when I was little...K lovdd playing with my polly pockets...and I had a pogo stick too. |
12 years ago
I did not grow up in a rich family, so we did not always had the new things once they came out, but once we managed to afford it and even then we were meant to share. I have 2 older borthers and 1 younger sis, so we obviously couldn't play all at once, at first when it was new, we'd probably play things like super nintendo more often than usually, but we'd never forget about our other toys. My brothers have a year difference so they always played together, although they'd fight more than my sis and me(never knew why), but even if they wouldn't play together, they'd go outside and meet friends. |
Tara Kay
12 years ago
I agree with you about the book thing Jenni...There is something special about the actually feel of the paper in your hand... |
12 years ago
Oh, I really love this topic. |
12 years ago
I think about this topic ever day because I am always surrounded by kids. |
Maple Tree
12 years ago
I'm curious? what is a Ds ? |
A lonely soul
12 years ago
I believe Nintendo DS, Andrea. |
Maple Tree
12 years ago
Oh thank you!!! |
12 years ago
The answers, so far, have been very interesting and...I'm glad to see that the majority still know how to use their imagination....that's great. |
12 years ago
Each generation moves forward on its own patterns of necessities. "when we were young we made mud pies". yes, and when you grew up your job was to make apple pies if you a woman. A man "played at baseball and competitive sports. When he grew he competed in the industrial world. |
12 years ago
I'm really not quite sure what to make of your post here Donald so...I'll start with the sexist part... |
12 years ago
When I was 4/5 yrs old, we had an OOOOLLLDDD TV set, and I used to watch Mexican series, lol, nowadays I laugh at myself for doing that. I guess it wasn't an addiction. It was just a habit because almost every home used to watch it everyday. |
12 years ago
Hellllon why is it you always take things as negatives. If you gather all what I write its obvious I was emphatically pointing to what is childhood nature that has depending on time element what little games are as they are played out in child physic. There was a time when little girls played grown up mommy games which were parallel training for real life access to what is. In no way was that a "sexist" confrontation. If it were then I suppose I hurt the feelings of little lion cubs and the men who had played at sports when they were young. |
12 years ago
Donald....If you read the very start of my reply to you, you will see that I said I wasn't sure how to take your post...could be you were joking I wasn't really sure. |
12 years ago
It seems kids today are being accused of what is perceived to be from adults and not in comparison as to what an adult now was then when they were youngsters. Each generation is a singular event in the moment's evolutionary progress. When I was young most boys played at Army games. With our home made weapons we defeated, Nazis, Imperial Nippon's. All due for the purpose of preparing for perceived future engagements do to what is ingrained. Although could be argued remains. Therefore when discussing imagination childhood it is outside realms that determine human behavior. Enter theorem, each generation is what is needed. My generation was domestic in nature. Girls played mommy games and school teacher games as because that was their calling in life Majority at the time. Not to say individuals but to the majority. Manufactures sold more dolls and make believe kitchen items then test tubes and or scientific apparatus in miniature. All was for the time element involved. So too were little boys. Vs. today's time evolving. Kids today need not dolls and army rifles but the need of faster moving brain stimuli and that is the forms of computer games...the faster the better. Little kids don't want to climb high in a tree to sit and pretend in a tree fort but do find solace in playing at what is their futures not ours. |
12 years ago
I'm sorry if it appears that I've zoomed in on this part and...once again...will appear negative but...both of my children were brought up in Scotland...Ididn't have the money for a car so...in good weather...one was in the pram and the other walked...in bad weather I took a sledge out....both were in it...only the oldest was at the age to go to school but...she never missed a day...so...yeah...my kids didn't really have a choice them...like I said...I couldn't afford a car!!..yet...she had to attend school. |
12 years ago
Lol Jen xp |
12 years ago
Thanks for the correction Jenni but...I think you get the point.... |
12 years ago
Edit...sorry my mind is elsewhere tonight..my bad...forgive me? |
12 years ago
I'm more focused tonight so...about the dots...I use them all the time...what did you mean Jenni? |
12 years ago
... |
12 years ago
Thanks for that Donald....I keep forgetting what they're actually called haha!!! |