Just to make you chuckle

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago


    ^^ to make you chuckle.
    Its been quiet around PnQ...my club included....

    I have missed you guys! I told Syrup (Maple Tree) I'll do something to make you guys smile. . .ever hear of "fluffy bunny"??

    Here is me. Playing it for you guys hehehe

  • nouriguess
    12 years ago

    They said it's a private video. O.O

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Danggg ittttt!!! I'm new to youtube! I have no idea how to use it lol. Hmm..whose a youtube junkie and can tell me how to unprivate it lol!

    Andddd what's funny is this was initially supposed to be for my club and like a dork I posted it here. And I thought what the heck I'll make everyone chuckle...
    Unless its against the rules to post this here, mods feel free to delete it...

    I suck haha!

  • nouriguess
    12 years ago

    Haha Chelsey, you're cute!

  • Sunshine
    12 years ago

    Lmao Chels, please share the dancing video, that one is one of a hell..

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Lmao noooo! I will do another dancing one. I've been working on..............


    Hehe did u watch fluffy bunny meme? Did it work?

  • Meme
    12 years ago

    Lmfao!! YES YES CHELS XD

    Thanks for the good laugh pumpkin ;)

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Hahahah no problem. I was soooo embarrassed when Isaw this posted to the main forums and not my club I was on my phone clearly not paying attention then I was like screw.it.

    Nana what the crap I didnt realize I sent you the dancing one ...crap which one was it. Lol

  • L
    12 years ago

    A blond moment chelsey lol

    I lost count of how many you were putting in your mouth.

    And the dancing one... Is it the same one as the other time?

    Ohh and opa ganma style hahaha.. I can't picture you doing that one.

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    I'm sure it was Luce.....

    And you can't picture me doing that? Now you've challenge me, I practiced this morning actually lol

  • Jordan
    12 years ago

    Chelsey, you're f-in' awesome.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago



  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    I'm so glad I shared this on the main boards now hahahah thanks guys. FLUFFY BUNNY lmao

    You got it Larry. I promise to keep practicing and by next week you'll be seeing this white girl shake her gangnam style booty!

    I feel like my facial expression of that "marshmallow after taste" was almost funnier than fluffy bunny....guys. never stick 8 mellows in your mouth and not eat them. It leaves your tongue so pasty and gross..ewww hahaha

  • Meme
    12 years ago

    Ohhh that dancing one you shared with us before? That was a firecracker, hahaha

    Practice practice, I swear no one can beat you with this! You are AWESOME :)

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Lol thank you!!

    And I don't know...Andrea is pretty stupid and I heard she has a video in the making too hahaha such an inspiration iam!

  • Maple Tree
    12 years ago

    "Andrea is pretty stupid"

    ^^^^^^^^^^ LMAO Yes I am.... Here you go everybody!!


  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago

    Okay I will rap for all of you xoxo

  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago

    Okay chelsey looked like a barbie up there"

    and Andrea was eating all my ex club mates

    and I made a video about real life in the ghetto...

    but I am not sure if I can show it here o

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Oh gawd yaki didn't I tell you to give rapping up lol

  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago

    Waw pls my video is coming up

  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago



  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Wowwwwwwwwww you are such a b*tch!! I'm a barbie becacuse I wear makeup?? Lmaoooo...ok girl.....

    You want a ghetto video? You want me to speak your street language? I will make you a video and be ghetto, but realize its people like THAT that get dislikes and boo'ed.....

    I can't wait to dog you out in my next video :) hahaha

    P,s your singing sounded like a dieing pig I wanted to stab myself in the ears with a sword lmao

  • Maple Tree
    12 years ago

    Giggles.... that was cute!

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Cute?....no no. The word your looking for is unkind. ....you're gonna lift her up for making fun of your little baby Chelsey? Not cool Andrea LOL

  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago

    Jesus christ... hahha

    Oh chelsey <3
    I have an odd way of showing my lof.. muah

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    I didn't like it!! I showed my friend she said "who is she talkng about?" I said me!! She said "does she not like you?" I said....apparently not....

    I'm standing up against bullying and here you're making fun of me......everyone dislike yaki's video and I'll give you 5 bucks lmao

  • Yakari Gabriel
    12 years ago

    You're honestly too much...

    I meant no harm ... lol

    :* :*