Looks vs personailty

  • Yours Truly xO
    12 years ago

    What is more important to you?

  • ArtistrySoul
    12 years ago


  • Yours Truly xO
    12 years ago

    I said which is more important..

  • ArtistrySoul
    12 years ago

    Both are important, you can't chose one or the other.

    If you chose looks then that person may not have a good personality and it works vice versa.

    So both are equally important :P

  • With This Slow Tune I Tell You Goodbye
    12 years ago

    Looks lol sorry but i gotta say it i DO not want someone that makes me look the beauty nor the beast i want balance!

  • Aveena
    12 years ago

    If I had to choose, i'd pick personality..

    I mean my boy's friend always ask "how did an ogre like you get a girl like her" and it's because of his personality.

  • Kevin
    12 years ago

    Someone having an attractive personality adds to how good looking I think they are. I'm deeply in love with my lady, and even when she wakes up after a night out looking a proper mess in her ratty old PJ's, smelling like a sewer rat, she still looks cute because I adore her. I am not sure I'd think the same about her if she was a stranger in my bed.

    I think it is roughly a 40/60 split in favour of personality with me. Personality goes a long way and as long as the person is decent looking, I'm game.

  • Yours Truly xO
    12 years ago

    Personality gets it with me. I'd rather have a decent sweetheart. than a handsome asshole.

  • With This Slow Tune I Tell You Goodbye
    12 years ago

    I'd take the handsome a****** cause i am good on my feet to put them in their place! :)

  • silvershoes
    12 years ago

    When you love someone very much, they become beautiful. Anyone who has loved should know this.

    Personality always.

  • average thoughts
    12 years ago

    Personality..means d overal u..

    It includes evrything..
    Uor nature, behaviour, evn luks..

  • Liquid Grace
    12 years ago

    Personality any day. I have the most amazing husband, caring, a beautiful man inside and out. What attracted me to him was his intelligence, free spirit, kind ways and his ability to make you feel so positive about who you were as a person. (Mind you that was when we first started out as friends).

    Now that list is a mile long. To have someone who loves you in such a deep capacity, TREATS you like a women, loves you for all of your flaws (I have a LOT of them). How can you not see them as anything other then beautiful? Through all that he can still look me deep in the eyes and tell me he loves me astonishes me. His personality is so admirable. His ability to care for others even if that means giving up something he has speaks a lot about him. All of his friends and family would move mountains for him and us as a family. The respect people have for him I've really never seen in another person. People and I, Love my husband because of the person he is not because of how he looks. His personality is why I find him to be the most handsome man I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I still get butterflies when he holds me.

  • Autuumnbree
    12 years ago

    I have to agree personality over looks, I say this because after years you & your lover will physically change so if only his/her looks attracted you then there will eventually be nothing to keep the fire burning.

    Don't get me wrong looks have there places but they're not the biggest factor. I love to laugh and I love a guy who can hold a conversation when its not juvenile. Lol

  • Let It Be
    12 years ago

    Both are equally important although i believe how the looks match the personality i good person and a beautiful soul is a bombshell. Although everyone has their own preference its not shallow it happens although i believe you fall in love with the personality and the looks just change in your eyes because it is like they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder

  • Marcy Lewis
    12 years ago

    I do not care at all about appearance. I want someone who can love me for me, and someone I can love for just them. Plus, with me, I never give outside a good look until I know their insides. If they're generally a crappy person, they become totally repulsive to me, and if they're kind-hearted I find them physically attractive. I'm strange, but that's how I work.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    12 years ago


  • Something Diabolical
    12 years ago

    Personality is the most important to me though that dosnt mean looks arnt important aswel.
    There has to be a physical attraction before anything else.

    You dont marry somone because their hot, but you start seeing somone beacuse they are. Thats the big difference for me.

    At the end of the day you want to be with somone you connect with.

  • A F
    11 years ago

    Looks catch your eyes, personality makes you stay.

  • Rose
    11 years ago


  • Angel
    11 years ago

    I love what A F said
    for me personality is more important than anything and looks are just bonus

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    I love what A F said
    for me personality is more important than anything and looks are just bonus

  • sibyllene
    11 years ago

    Definitely looks.

    Looks, followed by money, followed by personality.

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Personality because I find people always beautiful

  • Burning Angel
    11 years ago


    looks will mean nothing once someone opens their mouth and is disrespectful

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Love is nothing without a personality. In my opinion

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    BAHAHA! Sibs, I love you.

    *Cough* ...still personality. Duh.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Right now im all for looks i jut need a distraction right now

    but his personality is what im in love with even if he doesnt feel the same

  • Thoughts unseen
    10 years ago


  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Personality. Though I an still trying to figure out who I am. I'm pretty sure I'm asexual. So I don't go for looks

  • LittleMsPink
    10 years ago

    Personality, 'cause looks fade in time but an awesome personality remains forever

  • Lucas Woods
    5 years ago

    I'll say personality...it has so much substance and weight to uphold empty space.

  • Milly Hayward
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so when you love someone it is automatically a combination of both because if you love someone then in your eyes they will always be beautiful to you on the inside and out because that's what love is.

    If you fall for someone just for their looks when the looks fade with time so does the love and if you love someone only for their personality but not their looks then what makes them different from a much loved friend?

    Enduring fulfilling love consists of an internal spark, a physical, emotional, heart, soul and mind thing where the object of your love regardless of flaws is absolutely perfect just for you.

  • Milly Hayward
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Quick add. I have known equally nice guys with really lovely personalities some good looking others not. Yet only one had the ability to give me butterflies when he is near to me and he is still my wonderful husband after all these years :)