New Contest Host

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    Chelsey has agreed to take on the duty of hosting the Weekly Contest. Nana is detained indefinitely and asked us to find a replacement. Please welcome Chelsey to the position.

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    Nana is detained? Detained where? That sounds aweful!

    Shouldn't the new host position have gone to vote among members....I'm not saying Chels will not do a good job but everything else seem to be voted on so....why not this one?

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    No Hellon it was not put up for a vote. This decision was made by the mods with much thought. I'm glad you agree Chelsey will do a good job.

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    Why was it a mod decision? Seems to me the mods throw everything else up for us to decide when it concerns judges..? what would you like done?...changes? etc... why was this different? When Nana took over there was no voting either....why?

  • The Poet Behind The Poems
    12 years ago

    Chels will be awesome , congrats :)

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    Hellon, I've already answered that question. Are you trying to ruin Chelsey's debut or just stirring up yet another tempest in a teapot? Take it to PM if you have a problem.

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    You answer every question in the same way Larry...I always find it inadequate to be honest....remember we are mostly ordinary people who are not educated in the same way as you I said I thought Chels would be a good host...just asking why it didn't go to vote is all???


    And..for the moment...she's also a judge!

  • Maple Tree
    12 years ago

    Congratulations Chelsey!!! I know you will do a great job, and I support you <3 Hugs you sweets!!

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Nice to see you back Hellon..Lol ok let's vote, who thinks I will do a great job? All in favor please say I!....I'm pretty sure I'd get a lot of votes so let's do it that way then! :)

    Thanks everyone, I hope I don't let anyone down and if I do, get over it, its a poetry site not the Olympics.

    Thanks so much for this opportunity you guys, I've been on this site since I was 12 yrs old and it feels good to step up and get involved more in a community that has helped me so much! :)

  • Maple Tree
    12 years ago

    I <3

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Lmao! I was being sarcastic but thank you for voting hahhaha I love you Tree!

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    Chels...I will be the first to say yeah...I didn't mean anything wrong...I ju st meant...I think it should have gone to a vote is all? I mean..Nana took over this spot from Britt without anything being know? I have also said....I belieive you are presently a judge's nothing personal....

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    I understand..

    To be honest, I don't think anyone would have taken over for Nana....and honestly, if anyone would like to, I don't mind voting.

    Also, my term as a judge is up. There was a thread talking about new judges and I'm pretty sure there were new volunteers. Of course I can't host and judge, I now only host.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    12 years ago

    I good luck in what you do sweetie

    -Queen Ash

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    Hellon, this is a proprietorship, like Starbucks, owned by Janis & managed by the mods. We watched a regular customer and think she'll be a good barista. Hopefully the ambiance will be easy going and congenial. You are free to continue to attack everything that happens, as that is your want, but good conversation would be much more enjoyable.

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Thank you Larry :)

    Latte's anyone?? Hehe

  • Jenni
    12 years ago

    So glad, this will keep you with us!!! :) I'm positive that you will do wonderfully Mwah!

    And on a sidenote

    I would not necessarily say that Hellon was attacking anything, but merely asking a question.. yeah maybe it is not the right thread/time, but opening a new thread to point at this would have made her seem much more of a drama queen. I'm positive that your decisions are like open books, so I could imagine that it would not cause anyone any harm to just explain once more for why you decided to handle it this way.

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    I didn't feel attacked Jen, but it does stink to come in to a thread where I should be welcomed and I want to celebrate but the first thing I read is all this questioning. I agree with Larry, it could have been PM'ed. Its just a bit of a downer.

    He has already explained, the mods monitor people daily, Nana referred me, I agreed, they discussed it, I win :) lol but like I told Hellon, I don't even feel like anyone would volunteer to host. We already have a hard time finding judges. But again, if by chance anyone out there would like to volunteer, I'm ok with voting still.

  • Amreen
    12 years ago

    Im happy with Chels being the judge cuz you have that merry charm that NaNa has. You will make us feel home like NaNa did.
    Congrats Chels<3

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Awwwww thank you Amreen <3 now I'm feeling the love haha!

  • Jenni
    12 years ago

    You know that we win by you doing this. :P

    I think that it is fine and I do not doubt their judging abilities whatsoever, but lets say there was someone who would do just as good of a job as you and Nana, but wasn't as known as you two are. That would basicially minimate their chances, but nevermind. I think that whoever wants to do this, will voice their opinion.

    For now I am rather grateful that you are willing to do it... you have to make sure that the judges won't get too distracted by you :P

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    Thanks Jen....I was just asking a question and sorry if you felt that something smelt off Chels....

    to Larry...

    Starbucks is Franchised so....what's your point?

  • La Reina De Corazones
    12 years ago

    I hope you have fun sweetie and Hellon please have fun while in this thread it's a good place to meet people! :)

    Queen Ash

  • Larry Chamberlin
    12 years ago

    Chels, I think you'll do great.

    Now, get to work.

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    If someone wanted to do it, my gosh they had a million chances in all those contest winner threads that were ruined and Nana continually said "if anyone thinks they can do a better job, please let me know and I'll step down" lol

    Its fine, again I didn't feel attacked per say, I just wish any questions about things being unfair could be brought up in a proper forum or through PM. I just notice they generally get asked in a thread that's meant for happiness.

    Yes sir, Larry!

  • La Reina De Corazones
    12 years ago

    Lol this thread is about you sweetie so enjoy it and ignore the rest! :)

    Queen Ash

  • Hellon
    12 years ago

    This thread lay dormant for most of the day suggest I just came here to trash it is not fair. I came here to ask a simple question...why wasn't it put to vote? I never said I disagreed with Chels being the host....merely asked why...when the mods put so many threads up asking us members to vote on certain issues that concern us all this wasn't one of them.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    12 years ago

    Hellon no offence i truly mean it but life is often that way sweetie in some things we have no say so and that's just life sweetie at times we need stuff like this to keep us in line we can't always vote on somethings like i don't vote with my fellow assistants in my club if i should kick someone out of my club even though i never have that is just an example sweetie in some things we have no say so and that's life sweetie in others we are blessed by being allowed to vote and we shouldn't take that for granted! :)

    Queen Ash

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    You are in a whole different time zone, you gotta give people time to see threads. I went to bed at 11 p.m, woke up at 7:30 and saw that....its dormant because people sleep lol

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    I don't mind Chelsey... she's an old and faithful member to this site, plus, she's a daily log-inner, and people just want to see the results ONCE the site announces the winners... so congrats for the position!

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Are you calling me old Abed? I beg to differ, I am young and vibrant!! Haha jk, just trying to keep it light and fluffy here!

    Much appreciated LP!! :)

  • Decayed
    12 years ago

    Nooo... forever young ;)

    like Jay Z's song

  • silvershoes
    12 years ago

    Hellon, Chelsey has been the only member in a very long time to approach us with the desire to host the weekly site contest.
    Heck, I wouldn't do it if you paid me, so I think instead of viewing this as a gift given, try looking at it as a thankless volunteer position taken on by an optimistic, willing member...

    If we thought more people wanted the position, maybe we would've held a vote. As someone mentioned above, Nana asked countless times if anyone wanted to host. Guess how many people came forth?
    Zero. Lol.
    Nana's absence is immediate and unavoidable. All things aside, there wasn't time to have an election.

    Chelsey will not be a judge while she hosts. Come on, guys, no big deal here. She's gonna do great.

    EDIT: There was actually one person who offered to take on the site contest, and we were keeping her in the wings for the future, but she has since left the site. My mistake. One, not zero.

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Thank you so much you guys! I really appreciate the optimism here! It means a lot and I really hope I don't disappoint anyone!

  • Poet on the Piano
    12 years ago

    Congrats Chelsey!!! I know you will do a fine job and never doubt that <3

  • Karla
    12 years ago

    Good luck Chels! Hope everything is well with Nana.

  • Meme
    12 years ago

    Congrats hun!
    I know you would do great with this new position ;)

  • Chelsey
    12 years ago

    Thank you ladies! It means a lot :)

  • Melpomene
    12 years ago

    Welcome on board the weekly crazy train, Chels! I know you'll do a fantastic job and hopefully the site contest will run smoothly for you. I'm glad when I heard you were interested in the position and I was even happier when you accepted, after all as Jane said it's a job not many (if any) would take it on so we really do appreciate your involvement.

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    Hey ya'll.

    Looks like Jane covered the "no vote" idea pretty well, but I thought I'd add my own perspective as well. I guess it's never been explicitly discussed whether contest manager is something that should be voted on or no... maybe it should have been discussed. I think we'd still settle on "not voting," though, because the position is a pretty specific one.

    We tend to bring things (not everything, but quite a few things) up for voting when they are things that will change how the site is run. In the past, we've had votes on new rules, contest policies, nominator qualifications, etc. We've had members nominate judges (though I don't think we've ever had a "most votes wins" nomination process).

    I think a reason we haven't voted for contest managers is because, to be honest, there isn't a lot of room for interpretation within the job role. Theoretically, each person who did the job should post the same results as anyone else. A contest manager's personality or opinion doesn't sway the outcome of the contest. As far as official "job description" goes, the person is interchangeable. So why vote? Does that make sense?

    What IS important for a contest manager is dependability, punctuality, and communication skills. We figure that's something we can determine as well as anyone, and our opinions on who can do that won't change the outcome of the contest. So, unless there are concerns about whoever the contest host is (which you can PM us about) I think we're good to go.