What kills you inside?

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    Knowing I'll never see or hear my wife again as she's dead for a whole yr

  • Kakera
    10 years ago

    Knowing that words are all I have, and that they can't create miracles for my loved ones when I need them to do so the most.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Being depressed and knowing I hurt my wife with it

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    When I have a good day and suddenly realize I have no friends.......

    Actually no....

    When I realize that I'm trapped in a place where no one is worthy of being my friend or who is worthy is already taken....
    (I'm selfish and possessive when it comes to friends.... Bff's usually)

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    Everyone is lol trust me well I'm not I really don't have a bff *shrugs*

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Well where I live not really... No one is possessive about their best friends....
    For them best friends are just an yearly thing... They change their friends like the fashion of their dresses

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    *looks guilty* I am that way too I can't help it if they don't keep up with me o well so sad too bad I'm gone suckers! *peace out*

  • Narph
    10 years ago

    Feeling trapped by college and responsibility. Trying to wrap my head around the fact that my dreams may well be unacheivable. Fearing that no matter what, it's too late to get started on changing my life for the better.

  • NoHopeLeft
    10 years ago

    Know the mother of my children has been sleeping with my cusion behind my bk!!! Um devastated..

  • John Doe
    10 years ago

    Following my heart while I know my brain is right kills me.

  • GB
    10 years ago

    My financial issues and being unable to determine which is the best for me and for my husband.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Money, always money

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago


  • John Doe
    10 years ago

    Imagining a place where all jobs are done there's ample time to read, to connect with people, to share your views etc etc

  • ibelievedhim
    9 years ago

    My dog is dead

  • bequi
    9 years ago

    When he said he loves me but he cant commit because he cant leave his gf of 4years

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    9 years ago

    I am so sorry honey :/

    Hmm I guess now it's the fact that I can't love anymore.

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    Knowing depression is eating me alive

  • Rheanne Lilian Drew
    9 years ago

    When I take the phone in my hand to text my friend and then suddenly realising that we don't take anymore.

  • Linda
    9 years ago


  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago
