Kuan Yin Quotes

  • Karla
    11 years ago

    "The body is a temple. You are a projection of love. Love the Earth, love the air, love the water, love the fire. Love the part of self that is of the ethers "- Kuan Yin

    "We are the Love of Creation." - Kuan Yin

    "There are the waves and there is the wind, seen and unseen forces. Everyone has these same elements in their lives, the seen and unseen: karma and free will. The question is, 'how are you going to handle what you have?' You are riding the karmic wave underneath and the wind can shift. Everyone must take what they see and deal with that which is unseen."
    - Kuan Yin

    'If with kindly generosity
    One merely has the wish to soothe
    The aching hearts of other beings,
    Such merit has no bounds.'

    ~ Kuan Yin

    "Keep your mind clear and your heart open so that you can hear your truth "- Kuan Yin

    "Fall in love with yourself again to bring in the love of your life." - Kuan Yin

    Who is Kuan Yin:

    Legends of the Mahayana School of Buddhism recount that Kwan Yin was 'born' from a ray of white light which The Amitabha Buddha emitted from his right eye while he was deep in spiritual ecstasy.
    Kwan Yin is regarded as an emanation of The Amitabha Buddha and as anembodiment of compassion, the quality which Amitabha himself embodies in the highest sense.
    Kuan Yin is the sublime Goddess of Mercy whose beauty, grace and compassion have come to represent the ideal of womanhood in the East.

    This is the best way I have found to show my gratitude and love to you all. Kuan Yin has always been one of the Goddesses that I carry in my heart. Happy New Year!


  • ddavidd
    11 years ago

    Happy new year dear karla
    nice ones!!