Message From Moderators to Everyone.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Hey peeps,

    i just want to remind everyone that the complain feature is not to be used unless there is something worth actually complaining about.

    Speaking as a moderator I'm getting tired of hitting the "leave" link on comments that are in no way offensive...more often than not the comment in something like

    "Hey, i think the flow needs some work, but keep trying"

    This is not a comment worthy of complaint REMEMBER!..If someone says they don't like your poem and they explain why without using foul language or name calling, DON'T COMPLAIN, we'll only leave it...and in future, there is a function that records how many times each persons has complained, and been complained about. Those whose complaints are consistantly knocked back may lose the ability to complain at all.

    On a positive note, i hope you are all making good use of the praise feature, this is not to be employed if someone just says

    "Great poem, keep it up"

    but for the comments that have had some thought put into them, or in some way really helped and informed you. These praises will also be recorded where valid, and rewards may be given to those who consistantly give good feedback.

    Just think of all the extra letters you could have after your handle.

    Yay *sarcasm*

    De Mods.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    I am guilty for hitting the complaint button a couple times but I didnt mean to, it was on my own comment actually lol. Sometimes it happens, but thanks for the heads up. Some people are too irresponsible to be trusted with the complaint feature!!! *evil sarcasm* Then again JPM may be out of a job if what you said in the above gets implimented.

  • FTS Miles
    19 years ago

    I haven't hit the complain button yet, but I think I'll find some comment of yours, Kevin, to whine about. ;)

    (Preferably a comment commending the poem or poet, in fact!)


    (Yeah... VERY long day... but I'll get over it.) ;)

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Also... if someone is calling you for plagiarizing... complaining about the comment is just going to call the moderators attention to it... we are going to check it out... and will, if it is in fact not your own work, report it. So don't expect us to delete that comment. (we might delete it if there is no conclusive evidence that it is stolen, or if the accusation is rude)

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    I did it Bobby me old lad. I crept into your cave whilst your gorilla guards where sleeping, and using a complex amalgamation of hypnosis and astral projection, forced you to share with me your as yet unformed masterpiece.

    Sorry bout that.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    19 years ago

    Just another reminder.... the complain feature is not to be used to get rid of honest criticism. If there is extreme rudeness, name-calling or excessive swearing, the comment will be removed. Therefore, to all those who actually DO leave honest criticisms, be sure to NOT be rude. There is no need to name call or swear when giving feed back.

    Also, a mere declaration of “suckiness” will probably be deleted. However, if you say you think a poem sucks and then follow up with why and how to improve, it will probably be left.

    I’ve also noticed A LOT of good comments being complained about. I don’t know if people are meaning to “praise” and hit the wrong button or what, but be careful when Praising/complaining.

    Just FYI – if you “complain” about a comment you wrote on one of your own poems, I will usually delete those… and if you “complain” about a duplicate comment, I will delete those.