Need Ideas!

  • Sarah
    11 years ago

    So I want to do something very sweet for my boyfriend. I stink at ideas. He loves when I do cute little things like leave him random letters in his car, coat pocket, bed. I had also got his favorite wine and made his favorite dinner once.. I don't want to keep doing the same things though. Does anyone have a cute (relatively inexpensive) ideas for me to do. I wanna do something for him within the next few weeks and I want to start planning it now. Thanks!

  • Let It Be
    11 years ago

    Well for one picnics are classics or movies or try a different place to go out to eat also a small gesture make a map like include when you met important things or dates then it branches into the future and where your relationship plans to go, also journals a journal you could keep between you to, a heart made of paper that has your hopes dreams goals and future of your relationship and personal goals he might could help you with. Well thats all i got!!

  • Natasha
    11 years ago

    You should try doing stuff unplanned, the outcome always turns out to be the greatest. Well had to agree that things planned are sometimes worth it. But. Who knows? Try and make some change. You'll be shocked at the end.