Daylight Lucidity
11 years ago
There's a guy, a really nice, sweet guy, that I have known for three years. Over those three years he and I fell in love. We told each other that when we're older we'd be together. Have a family, a good life with each other. He told me he can't picture his life without me. The bad part you ask? He has a girlfriend and she is not me. He told me he wants to be with me but he is too weak to choose between me and this other girl. Should I walk away or should I wait? |
Formidable Muse
11 years ago
I personally think you should walk away...He says he wants you while is involved with someone else? Thats cheating. Cheating doesn't have to be a physical action, it starts in the heart and that's where lust and dishonesty come in. If he is doing that right now, what's to say he won't If you two get together? An honest man would not do that, it also shows he has very little loyality and no respect for the woman he is currently with. You should save yourself the heartache. |
Daylight Lucidity
11 years ago
Thank you, I appreciate the advice :) |
xXx Eternal PainxXx
11 years ago
I agree the pain in the heart for anyone when they say that is bull crud i mean it sweetie!! i mean WOW i wouldn't fall for that sentence since i was raised to not fall for that crud parents who were once players does help in falling for stuff like that but anyways listen to your heart but also listen to logic for logic maybe evil at times but it does help people in the end! :) if you need to talk to me please do so sweeite! :) |
11 years ago
Late response, but I don't think it is fair to consider him some kind of cheater. The heart is free to flutter where it wants and it may change without warning. I think that it's really up to you and how you feel about him and him you. Just because he already has a girlfriend doesn't necessarily mean he's going to be a cheater. What western society calls "cheating" is what other cultures may consider a polygamous relationship. I'm not sure how to explain it but just keep this in mind: just because he is already with someone else doesn't mean he isn't free to love another. This applies with both genders. This is why some people go through many relationships before they find the one that binds them together forever. |
11 years ago
Question: Would you really want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't sure if he wants to be with you? Who isn't sure if you are his first or second choice? Apart from that, even, I think you need to respect the relationship he's currently in, even if he isn't respecting it, himself. |