Whats killing me inside?????

  • dan
    11 years ago

    What kills me inside.
    How the majority in this country selects its priorities and lets a media dictate there seemingly narrow choices and control of what it is the media and a semi dictator government that is all but now in control. Using the people to advance an agenda which in the end will remove any chance of democratically turning the tides. Our constitution is being shredded. Our government is out of control with spending. We borrow far more then we take in as revenue but are constantly being told we need to pay more taxes because they need more money too pay for multitudes of programs and to add more that do nothing more then fill the pockets of the ones who get them elected. They create more poverty and give out peanuts in hopes of making a class of dependents who are kept ignorant in the dark in order to garner a voting block untouchable with common sense.
    In th elast 5/6 years poverty has risen 40%. Food stamp programs have grown 100% or more. People dispite government rates is still at an all time high. Black people are at 16% despite having a black president. Well-fare roles have grown to an all time high. This government has tried to create an energy crises by denying drilling and fracking with lies. Economic conditions are still being blamed on Bush when in fact this president has done nothing to create a plus atmosphere for growing a business and has chased manufacturing overseas with its unreasonable rules and regulations and world high taxes.
    It claims stimulus money to create jobs by pouring billions into the follies of solar and wind energy which have all gone bankrupt or have been taken over by foreign countries. Stimulus money that went into Union run companies in order to launder into the pockets of union officials. Hundreds of examples of these tactics available to all who want to read. But the biggest thing to date that "Kills Me Inside" is the cover up by the obama administration along with our secretary of state Hillary Clinton claiming a movie was at fault for 4 brave Americans who unselfishly gave there lives in the fight for world peace. When in fact it was a planned and calculated Islamic jihad terroist attack on our embassy in Libya. Warned in advance by the very people now being dissed in our great government media- abc- cbs -nbc -MSNBC...cnn....to name a few and the so called internet news people such as dailey kos, media matters...link TV. All in cahoots with this disgusting adnistration we have unfortunately so ignorantly voted in. why...why is the cover up? Answer, it is all because this disgusting dirt ball president didn't want to answer the question while campaigning for reelection..." If you got rid of BinLaden and Alqauda how come they're still attacking us?
    These are some of the things that KILL ME INSIDE! Anybody else?
    Didn't think so.
    Libya, by the way for you young ones is th country we liberated so AlQuada again would have a place to train.