When do you know you have fallen in love???

  • xXxMidnight SoulxXx
    11 years ago

    Honestly i don't really know if i HAVE fallen in love so can someone help me out here?

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    I honestly think it's a feeling that is different for everyone, it's a feeling that you just know. You know that person is the one for you.

    eg. butterflies in your stomach, constant smiles, you can't think of anyone else, you feel sexual feelings towards them.

    I wish you all the best! :)

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    Oops! sorry my computer was lagging and it posted like six times !

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    Oops :(

  • Aveena
    11 years ago


  • Aveena
    11 years ago


  • xXxMidnight SoulxXx
    11 years ago

    Thank you! :) and truth be told i've only fallen in love once...but it was a mistake on my part...sadly

  • Lemon
    11 years ago

    Yup I agree, you just know somehow. It's an incredibly powerful feeling of attraction- but it's up to you to distinguish between love and like!

  • xXxMidnight SoulxXx
    11 years ago

    That's really true but it gets mistaken to to love, like and lust...urgh i'm pretty sure i've had all three

  • The Poet Behind The Poems
    11 years ago

    In my opinion you can never know until you
    Meet other people , you may feel your in love at the time
    But other things can come into account , self doubt
    That you won't find noone else, just the thought of
    Being alone ... A lot can play a part but if you meet
    Someone and all your past feelings are gone you
    Know that you weren't in love.

  • xXxMidnight SoulxXx
    11 years ago

    Awh!!! thanks for the advise but if that is the case then i never fell in love but once...weird lol but thank you! :)

  • The Poet Behind The Poems
    11 years ago

    It's like a religion , there's many
    Ways it depends what you believe lol