Confession #98

  • Kayla
    11 years ago

    Confession: I really want to find a job around here but am not really sure where to start! I need to keep my mind on something besides being stuck at home alone all day with nothing to do! My man works hard and doesn't get home till about 6 o'clock. So I'm alone most of the time. I'm really not used to it.

    Confession: I'm ready for him to propose!:*

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Just go somewhere and ask for an application then go from there

    confession: i am so scared for monday. ive never been so scared of anything in my life

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Confession: i lovejustus and justus alone :)

  • Kayla
    11 years ago

    Confession: Last week was absolutely crazy! One of my boyfriend's close friends from High School and who was also his cousin's gf was murdered last Wednesday. Her stepdad was let out of jail due to a mess up in paperwork and when he was released she filed a restraining order against him. Unfortunately it didn't help because he drowned her in her bathtub and threw her laptop in with her to make it look like an accident. Her mom found her body and the police found her stepdad in the attic. It was such a horrible day. Such a smart, nice young woman who was working hard and going to college and her life was taken. My boyfriend cried on me after we left her viewing and it just broke my heart. I hate seeing him in such pain.)':

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Aw sweetie im sorry to hear that

    confession: i miss him so much. i need to be in his arms and feel his embrace so bad right now. and i miss how he kisses me i just want him to come back from iowa already so that we can be with eachother

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    Dont worry it gets easier ^

    confession: I know his dad is finally leaving but that makes no excuse for not talking to me for weeks, he's making this so much more harder than what it already is.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    I really hope so cause i need him

    confession: im so happy that i finally gained some weight but its not the kind i was going for and it makes me feel fat whenever i llok down and see my stomach rolling over my waistline on my shorts

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession: I hope to lose a lot of weight and be like 190-200 lbs haha

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Go for it!

    confession: i just dont know what to do anymore. i love justus but we're not together and ive been asked out and im tempted to say yes because of all of justus' mixed signals... :'(

  • Burning Angel
    11 years ago

    CoNfEsSiOn: I try to please everyone and it makes me miserable.

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession: I need a break from writing I think.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    11 years ago

    Confession...I'm believing in God again! :)

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    That's great. Confession.- I'm gonna living life my own way.

  • Poet on the Piano
    11 years ago

    Confession: I need to start stepping it up with my college work, I can't fall behind or not do things. I need to take charge or I'll be wasting time.

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession- I think my past and what I wish I could change all the time.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Confession: im just so ready to give up on everything right now. im sick of holding on

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession: I think I'm ready to let go of my past.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Confession: i'm done having hope and waiting for him and dealing with his mood swings about i tim moving on now and this time its for good

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession- I am so ready to move on.

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    Confession: I'm heading in the right path, but something is still holding me back

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession- I wish I could find love

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    ^ love will find you one day sweetie :)

    confession; I don't know what to feel anymore

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    I am not sure it will.

    Confession- I think I am pansexual.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Confession: no matter how many times i say im over him and moving on i always fall back to him i love him truly and theres no way im moving on cause i know he loves me back :)

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    11 years ago


    Confession: I'm done trying to be the strong one i wanna be weak lol

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession: I think I should just let the world consume me

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    11 years ago

    i kinda agree with you there

    Confession I'm drowning in my own self pitty party

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Me too sadly.

    Confession; I want to let someone into my heart. Besides God of course

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    11 years ago

    I have that problem too -_- it's not cute the distust but i'm changing

    Confession: I have this idiot that wants to date me and i will NEVER be unfaithful

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Good for you!

    Confession- I tell myself someday I will change but things seem to be getting worse

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    On;y you can change yourself

    Confession- i've decided to completely change myself and i'm nervous about what he'll think

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Change yourself for you not him

    Confession- my expectations for people are dead

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    11 years ago

    OUCH that must hurt i believe the beswt on everyone! :)

    Confession it's hillarious how much i spend on changing i was emo(not proud of that past) and i spent enough money to double what i'm paying on my phone bill -_- hillarious since i love my phone...but thhe clothes go with the new me so i'm happy and fraknkly i love myself and i changed for ME i just think that he won't like me anymore...being "preppy" was MY idea but he knew me always as a "emo" when i was broken and i don't know if he will like who i am NOW or shy always cause i'm light again it's funny how you can change when you want to :) so that's all i'm going to say on my relationship :)(:

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Yes change for you but that's true.

    Confession- I'm tired of getting abused everyday

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    ^ you shouldn't stand for it, there are many ways to reach out for help! :(

    confession: the infection came back and is consuming my body, Im so sacred to go to the doctor tomorrow

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    I hope you get so healthy. Thinking of you.

    Confession- I am tired of living life for other people. It's time to take back what's mine

  • Kayla
    11 years ago

    Confession: I'm finally done with Dental Assisting school! I'm going to visit my family in Arkansas and then I have my clinicals from the 4-7 of November. I really hope it goes well! I'm so nervous.. I just want to do well! I really really need a job!

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Congrats to you.

    Confession: I didn't plan my life out. I have destroyed my own life

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    11 years ago

    That's not true people who have destroyed their lives don't have friends YOU do so be happy :)

    Confession i'm the stand in my club -_- i love it and hate it

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Confession- I am scared of change