Spelling is a must or the world will go to hell

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    If "spelt" is incorrect then I want the spell check even more. It's no surprise to me that my spelling needs improvement sometimes. If we had the spell check, I wouldn't have had this problem.
    And, yes, "spelt" can be used, but "spelled" is much more commonly used. But I was taught "spelt".

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    If spelling matters that much to people, type it in a word doc first.

    You are going to run into tons of complaints about peoples browsers freaking out while they are spell checking and losing their posts, or about it not working, or about it not accepting words.

    You would have to put an "ignore" button on, just in case.

    I think it will open up a can of worms, plus most posts are so short it doesnt matter much.

    It should be an OPTION, not a requirement, in my humble opinion.

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    19 years ago

    Humble and huge....

    Probably bigger than they are humble though ;)

  • Sierra Rae
    19 years ago


    in a post way above, you typed guiness as in the guiness book of world records, while meaning to type genius...

    for someone arguing the point so whole-heartedly, I wud check ur spellin b4 submitin it hurr!

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    For one, I did also say that I would benefit from the spell check. I never said that I had perfect spelling or grammar, which makes me want it the spell check even more.

    Also, I didn't start this thread, I did not make the name for it and don't think that name should have been used.

  • Sierra Rae
    19 years ago

    oh well now that that's clear...

    ya sry didn't mean to go off on you but I had a really bad day, the bi tchy side came out today...:(

    well i do think it would be better if ppl didn't always type shorthand as in every word, but evry once in a while, like about how much i did in this post...lol...sorry habits are hard to break!...isn't that bad. and somebody said they think "idiot" when they read stuff like that, well do I sound like an idiot for the few times i've used ebonics in this thing? i am an idiot and shouldn't have made that previous comment, but still...

    kay sry again, seriously didn't intend to start anything, just gettin my frustrations from the day out...not that that makes it right at all...so sorry!

    --Sierra Rae

  • yasmin
    19 years ago

    well then i think the problem here is u, mister

  • Casey
    19 years ago

    From incorrect spelling to Langston Hughes, huh. Well, since I don't know anything about Langston, I think maybe I have something to say about the spelling. I think that small spelling errors are fine, but when PpL TyPE LyKE Diz IT MAkeS TheM sOUnD UnEdjUmaKaTeD (When people type like this it makes them sound uneducated), it's hard to read, and I personally don't take a second glance at whatever it is they have posted. So the little girls who come on here asking about sex never get an answer from me. It would most likely be better if no one answered, but I figure if they can't type what they're writing about they shouldnt even being doing it. I've said all of this before, and now I am done.