Online Friendship

  • Kate
    11 years ago

    Sometimes it can be the most amazing thing in the world. I'm talking with a friend on Tumblr. about creating a Tumblr. flag and he's just.. I love it. It's too funny.

    They can be the ones to brighten up your day even when you're in the pits of hell.

    It's nice.

    Tell me about your bad moments gone good?

  • Lemon
    11 years ago

    I don't get what you mean by bad moments gone good

  • Kate
    11 years ago

    Kind of like when you're having a bad day but then it gets better.

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    Just my soul sister she was there for me always. :)

  • stacy
    11 years ago

    Hey ! are u referring to me ???!

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    No lol.

  • stacy
    11 years ago

    Oh ok haha . was just wondering . thanks for the clarification !!!! :D

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    You are welcome haha.

  • LittleMsPink
    10 years ago

    Lmao, their convo though xD ^^^

  • silvershoes
    10 years ago

    Healing Kate, your avatar is awesome.

    I've made friends on here that are on my side no matter what, and that's definitely a day brightener.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    My online friends have come and gone like always. I met my now wife online and we are happy.

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    AWE :) I have to agree friends come and go but they are all great :) in their own ways

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Yes they are. I would love to meet a lot of my online friends.

  • The Jew
    10 years ago

    "Online Friendship'

    ^^^^there isn't any until you look into each others eyes in real life... sorry...

  • Unknown
    10 years ago

    ^ I respectfully disagree. I've made many online friendships! Sometimes you can start chatting with someone across the world and instantly connect. Why let distance come between a friendship? If anything, it makes it more interesting!

  • Gurucharan
    10 years ago

    Nice topic this one! In my opinion, with various ways to interact with the world, its a double edged sword - to make or not to make friends online. The primary reason being we never know the identity of the person on the other side. None the less, its a good way to interact with the folks with whom we couldnt have spoken a few years earlier when technology was not supporting it!!

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    I don't really care about the gender of the person for a known fact a friend of mine pretended to be a girl when he was a man! lol I didn't see him any differently I just wanted to know why and he had his reasons but after the shock all was good I don't really mind online friendships they are actually pretty cool sometimes you got to trust someone somewhere

  • Unknown
    10 years ago

    With technology like Skype and Facetime, it is easier to know who you are really chatting with. But in times where one may not have access to either, just use your judgement.

    I'm very cautious when befriending someone online. I usually won't share personal info with someone until I truly feel they are genuine. People can easily fool you by creating whole new persona and life for themselves that isn't true at all.

  • Obimuyiwa Psalmist
    10 years ago

    Friendship is the positive and unalterable choice of a person whom we have singled out for qualities that we most admire. Read my poem 'trust! My foot' to know who is who in our lives

  • Natasha
    10 years ago

    Online Friendship, huh? I made lots of friends over the internet despite countries, (let's just shut it out why my online friends is merrier than the local ones) and we're having fun talking about our mutual interests..

    And these friends I made don't really talk to me unless necessary like exchanging new song to listen to or just talking bout life.. etc. Also, I'm not really a fan of Skype or anything like that so it helps when they didn't even mention to do so..

    Regardless, yeah its nice to have some friends who lives ''in the computer'..