All time favorite poems per category.

  • Lostlove1
    11 years ago

    So I am bored and looking at the all time favorite poems per category, all of them are really old and have lots of comments and votes, but when I looked under misc I saw one that is pretty much brand is an awesome poem but just written less than a mo ago....Who decides on the all time favorite poems? Rates? comments?.....Someone behind the scenes? do tell......

    Whats up with that?

  • Colm
    11 years ago

    I think poems make 'Favourite Poems' sections when people put them in their favourites. So the favourite poems of all time here are put there because the most people have them saved in their favourite poems section. Obviously this gives older poems an advantage since many older/past members have poems written in 2004, 2005 etc in their favourites and more people and members have read them and/or voted/commented. I'm not sure if votes or comments have anything to do with them appearing: I know votes decide the top-rated recent poems in each category but not the all-time favourite ones as far as I know.

    I'd like to see a rotation system where past winners of the weekly contest are randomly selected to appear on the front page again for a week or few days. It'd mean different poems on the front page rather than the same ones all the time. Of course Janis would be needed for that.

  • Lostlove1
    11 years ago

    Thanks Colm for your quick response...

    makes sense now.


  • abracadabra
    11 years ago

    I didn't think the Favourite Poems section of our profile existed till around 2009 or so...I remember when they were a 'new feature' just a few years ago. Maybe not.

    I sure would like to see those All Time Faves off the pages. So embarrassment.