This is really Important people. Please care to read

  • Mello193
    11 years ago

    I am mello193.
    i have been apart of this website for many years.
    i look at my past poetry and feel emotions i could not describe in words.
    this site helped me so much.
    i have helped people.
    it was a home. it is a home.
    this site used to have many people come to it.
    and now a total of 14 people on right now.
    i know there is a thousand posts about this but can we save this?
    really try?
    can we post this site around?
    what can we seriously do?
    i am willing to go as far as i can to see this site do better
    are you?
    lets brainstorm.
    we have the power to write.
    we have the power to change
    so lets make a change.

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Its on my twitter and i post links to it

  • Redangelwings
    11 years ago

    I have also been on and off for nine years or so and it really is sad. I agree with angel. Y'all can do social networking.

  • Lost Soul 691
    11 years ago

    I must admit that I've been really slack about logging on but started again a couple of weeks ago and was shocked at the lack of on-line members. I know ... life catches up with us all, but this was an eye opener.

    Perhaps they can look at sending out an external email to the members with inactive login activity after 6 months.

    Like many, I never stop writing in between, I just don't post like I used to.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    There are discussions and contests on the main board pretty regularly but a lot of people have slowed down participating -- jump in!

  • Angel
    11 years ago

    Imma put it up on twitter again and on my tumbler and stuff