Why does it take so long to recieve awards?

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    I know I'm past the pink in one or two of the awards, and not that it matters, but I'm just curious why it takes so long to get them?

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    it just takes such a long time because they have to update so many people's awards, so they can't get around to everybodys all at once. just have patience, :), lol, u'll get yours soon enough.

  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    Oh, thanks. =)

  • Andriana
    19 years ago

    Just a little patience...ooo yeaaa..

    Haha...Guns N` Roses. Love them.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Sure though there is some way to alter the programming of this site so that it automatically updates things like awards when the relevant prerequisites have been met?

    Surely Janis doesn't go through them one by one...right?...RIGHT?

  • Dante
    19 years ago


  • Dante
    19 years ago

    I am updating all stuff about once or twice per week.

  • ♥-Sharon Ardern-♥
    19 years ago

    exactly. mine were updated today ... another little gold, my it's looks pretty LOL

  • Andriana
    19 years ago


  • Michelle
    19 years ago

    I want a gold! I'll have to work on that.

  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    LMAO off Bob! Good one..... but you forgot to give them the phone number for credit card orders lol...


  • Sherry Lynn
    19 years ago

    Gold Awards Phone #


    just remeber GOLD AWARDS and spell it out on your nearest telephone... but hurry offer for the free idiot award expires soon .... Limited edition.... Only available for the first 100 callers...

    BTW: For those that have not read the whole thread this is only a joke if you call this number or mail in your money then you truly deserve the free idiot gold award....