Prompt Challenge Voting

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    Please read each poem, then PM me with the poem you want to win.

    Voting will remain open until tomorrow night, then I will post the winner. (Saturday night)

    Good luck.


    Dark Chocolate Skin

    In Winter - you were my Temple, an altar
    that diffused incense to benches overcrowded with faith,
    where repentance was:
    two naked knees knelt down on bare floors,
    two hands facing each other with prayers,
    and two eyes staring at a cross with a vibrant trust for peace.
    Yet within chest, a heart boiled blood through veins
    with an ache capable of bringing down
    even the strongest of man.

    In Spring - you were my Home, the nave
    where I heard the 7:00 am bells call out my name,
    where I awoke to romanesque windows refracting the sun
    into a rainbow. A rainbow of sheer joy encompassed
    between aisles and aisles of silence,
    And where somewhere in the back,
    the smell of dark chocolate milk made me feel lost.
    I felt lost like a paper clip scattered in the Sacristy,
    with no purpose, other than to held the
    bulletin papers in my hands.

    In Summer - you became my Soul, the statue
    everyone saw passed the road and proudly uttered:
    "That's my church."



    I was unamused by the city's blatant
    cry for love-
    you could see it in blaring lights and
    hungover men pretending they
    have no cab ride home.

    Though, too often I forget where
    I came from.
    That this city spit me out of its belly
    without guidance.
    My name was and is Jonah
    and I am still writing my book
    of prophetic wisdom.

    I roamed over valleys, pathways
    of trolleys, back alleys, until
    my hands shook with despair.
    My plaid coat was held together
    by paperclips and staples,
    my feet clinging to sandpaper
    I had little to lose.
    So I roamed, passing centuries
    of knowledge I would not be
    asked to engage in.
    Finally, I stopped feeling sorrowful
    and pounded on every door
    that had an address visible.
    Every building was shut down
    by twilight, except for a church
    on Northwood Avenue.

    I was already a skeptic, so I
    wandered in, a spiritless person
    not aware of the spirit in that
    dry air.
    Incense perfumed the room.
    Sweet florals and dark chocolate
    graced the air as if this was some
    holy garden, or a grail for those
    willing to repent.

    Dark, stain glass windows
    stood valiantly at my side
    as I approached the lit altar,
    candles adorning its humble
    A simple white cloth hung over
    the table, a golden chalice
    with jewels seated like
    a throne in the middle.

    My words were trapped,
    though my thoughts whirled
    between each crevice of
    the building's history,
    an antiphon for a chant
    that hadn't been practiced
    in decades.

    And I stayed in that church
    until dawn,
    sleeping in the back pew,
    not hearing an audible voice
    but knowing there was once
    a mystic presence.

    Someone had once
    christened this a holy place...
    maybe, I am not too late
    to be taken from the grasp
    of humanity and no longer
    be called a



    The Unseen

    I have never seen a homeless person under a steeple,
    asking for help from the all the praying people,
    bent out of shape like an angels fashioned from paper clips,
    singing hymns of praise with chap-stick on their lips.
    I can smell hot chocolate even when it is unseen
    Just because it is out of sight it does not mean
    That I won't be tasting what I cannot see
    but for the grace of God the unseen could be me.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Great poems all! It was a tough choice!

  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    Lol, it's actually a pretty easy pick.

  • Hannah Lizette
    10 years ago

    All are very lovely, voted!

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Lucero, it's tougher then you think :). Also voted

  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    James, I can see how though. I mean each poem has something interesting yet I think the three are written based on the same prompt. That somehow made it easier for me to choose.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    I think everyone has a favorite style though Lucero. What you amd I like are completely different :)

  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    Hmm, at least to me, it isn't about the favorite style. I mean if that was the case, I wouldn't have voted. It's just in this site, no one writes my favorite style of poetry. However, I voted for the poem ...

    hehe, what if you voted for the poem I voted? would that mean we have different likes?

    I hope more people vote and it's not only us three.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    I hope more people vote too. But it's very possible that all three of us voted for the same one. Lol. It's hard to see the different styles when there is only three poems :p

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    Interesting ;)

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    It really is interesting saffie, I love your challenges because I believe this push us out of our comfort zone and bring out the best in us :)

  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    It's hard to see the different styles when there is only three poems :p

    ^^ uhmm lol James, is that a sarcastic comment?