Mental ilness and poetry

  • don
    10 years ago

    I have life issues, mental illness, as soon as you mention that word, people run a mile, why ?

    people like me are not crazy, we are not dangerous
    deppresssion is a mental illness, lots of the poetry on hers, contains mental illness, why do we shy away from it, like its a virus


  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Honestly don, people are very judgemental in the world today. And sometimes they do not understand it. They shy away because they think the person with mental illness is "different" from what they live. And honestly I believe people with mental illness have the kindest hearts.

  • don
    10 years ago

    I have neurotic deppression, bi polar1/2, plus sp eupd,

    but i am not dangerous, i stil me, i just struggle with issues like trust, relationships, my expectations of people and the world, can be a little naive,

    i am very polite and will chat to anyone, my personality can have its down sides, but i never take it out on anyone else

    its like handicapped people, the world sees them as omg differant !! no they are just like you and i human beings,

    sorry for the rant, i just get wound up by peoples attitudes sometimes,

    ty for your reply, its much appreciated


  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Your welcome. I agree with you. I hate when people think weare ddifferent. People have said I am depressed and bi polar as well so I understand what it's like to be sad then happy and then angry. :(.

  • don
    10 years ago

    I guess the truth hurts my friend, and people just dont want to talk about it,

    like if they dont it will go away !!


  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Oh yes I know exactly what you mean, it's not some "phase" we are going through, it's very real indeed.

  • don
    10 years ago

    I have just ben diagnosed with syzophrenia, in the past few months, by my latest shrink, every time i see him, he tells me i have something else, i have that many labels on me, i should be in a paper mill

    its strange i fel ok sometimes, other times i am really low, and angry, but isnt that 99% of the population, if someone tells us something enough times, we start to beleive it, its so fucked up

    how do you cope with your issues, i have meds, but they only cover my probs like a plaster over a severed head !!!


  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    Well everyone has their issues and I hate labels so much. They hurt. I cope by dealing with it. Writinh helps so much and music.

  • don
    10 years ago

    Trouble is with people today, they dont give a shit, like they used to, why is that ?

    they would step over you rather than pick you up,
    its all so back to front, and i think i have issues, normal people should try looking in a mirror, and ask who am i ?


  • ddavidd
    10 years ago

    Who am I is the matter of past who shall I be, is the real concern of continuance.