10 years ago
I don't claim to know much about poetry, but if you want to subject yourself to my bias, please join! |
Poet on the Piano
10 years ago
Excited, thanks for posting this Jane! I like how you're prompting us to go out and be with nature (and get off the Internet for at least 30 seconds or so). |
10 years ago
Grey clouds, a lit light; |
10 years ago
PotP, I hope you submit a haiku :) Thank you for the support. |
Poet on the Piano
10 years ago
Sure! And nope, didn't forget to write one.... I just waited until the last few hours lol. And if you want to extend for a few days, that might be good so it's not the three of us against each other. Maybe a few more will join? |
10 years ago
No takers? |
10 years ago
Hi Jane. Good on ya. Here's mine. |
Baby Rainbow
10 years ago
After the storm |
10 years ago
Yeah, this is good. |
Baby Rainbow
10 years ago
You are right! :) |
10 years ago
Yay! Haha, thanks to the final burst of poems, this is still a contest. 7 poems submitted. |
10 years ago
Sorry! Might be a short delay. Busy, busy. |
10 years ago
Jane, I'm bored. |
10 years ago
Hello. I went on a 4 day Yosemite trip and got back last night. Now I'm really, really sick. This is going to be postponed for a few more days. I'm sorry I suck. |
Poet on the Piano
10 years ago
Feel better! |
10 years ago
I'm sorry this has taken me so long. My immune system is useless. Results coming in the next hour! 7 poems submitted = 2 poems cut. |
10 years ago
Ok, my boyfriend and I discussed the poems and debated for a little while because we definitely did not agree, haha. |
10 years ago
Grey clouds, a lit light; |
Baby Rainbow
10 years ago
Great work everyone - I am always so fascinated at how many avenues emerge from one prompt, through several writers! |
10 years ago
Hannah, you are the first person I've met who lives in Kentucky. How do you like it? |
10 years ago
Thanks Jane! Come to think of it, I might change 'fling' to 'throw'. Didn't realise that 'fling' often comes with a casual nuance. |
10 years ago
AHA!!! My internet is finally working. Can post this: |
10 years ago
Sure, I check out my body every day. Try and get me AWAY from the mirror! |
10 years ago
Jane, I completed your exercises after having a bath. Then I blurted out this poem. It's very rough, but since we're allowed to edit our submissions later, I thought I'd submit it as is for now. |
10 years ago
Woooooooooooow. That's what I'm talking about! |
Baby Rainbow
10 years ago
Sorry Jane - have seen this, and thank you for PM to remind me. |
10 years ago
I can give a small extension if needed :) |
10 years ago
My spine twitches like a |
Baby Rainbow
10 years ago
Reclaiming My Reflection |
10 years ago
Wow! Both of your poems gave me shivers. The hairs on my arm are standing straight. So impressed with the talent here. |
10 years ago
It's all about ME. |
10 years ago
Colm!!!!! |
10 years ago
A draft from somewhere tickled |
10 years ago
Wonderful. All of you. This round is now closed and results will be posted in a couple days. |