Pablo Neruda

  • ddavidd
    10 years ago

    Part of (I'm Explaining a Few Things)
    by Pablo Neruda

    And one morning all that was burning,
    one morning the bonfires
    leapt out of the earth
    devouring human beings --
    and from then on fire,
    gunpowder from then on,
    and from then on blood.
    Bandits with planes and Moors,
    bandits with finger-rings and duchesses,
    bandits with black friars spattering blessings
    came through the sky to kill children
    and the blood of children ran through the streets
    without fuss, like children's blood.

    Jackals that the jackals would despise,
    stones that the dry thistle would bite on and spit out,
    vipers that the vipers would abominate!

    Face to face with you I have seen the blood
    of Spain(Gaza) tower like a tide
    to drown you in one wave
    of pride and knives!

    see my dead house,
    look at broken Spain (Gaza):
    from every house burning metal flows
    instead of flowers,
    from every socket of Spain ( Gaza)
    Spain emerges
    and from every dead child a rifle with eyes,
    and from every crime bullets are born
    which will one day find
    the bull's eye of your hearts.

    And you'll ask: why doesn't his poetry
    speak of dreams and leaves
    and the great volcanoes of his native land?

    Come and see the blood ( of children) in the streets,
    come and see
    the blood in the streets,
    come and see the blood
    in the streets!

    between () are my reminders

  • Sunshine
    10 years ago

    Amazingly touching and sad..

  • ddavidd
    10 years ago

    Neruda is the most influential poet of 20tth century. He basically was a love poem writer until the civil war in Spain. They said in this long poem the first drop of blood has splashed on his poetry. This is one of the most powerful poems I have ever read. He wrote it after the execution of his fellow poet "Federico Garcia Lorca" (my avatar) and few others.

    1 year ago

    Good old times!!

  • Koan replied to BOB GALLO
    7 months ago

    Sad, isnt it my brother? Everything and all of us faded to a background noise...
    I definitely lost all my passion for writing... Im glad that you still around...

  • ddavidd replied to Koan
    7 months ago

    As genuine as you are, you never lose it, only get distracted every now and then..
    I admit though that it is not good time for poetry nowadays.

  • Sunshine replied to ddavidd
    7 months ago

    I wish I can say the same @ never lose it.

  • ddavidd replied to Sunshine
    7 months ago

    Losing and wining are those kinds of contrasts that never survive without one another, my dear Rania.

    All I am saying is:: you are in the right track.