The exchange between questioner Saba Ahmed and a panel at a June

  • Darren
    10 years ago

    You tube vid here.


    I personally felt that this Muslim lady was attacked. Because of IS there seems to be a lot of intolerance for Muslims and the Islamic faith.
    However she took it very well. Showed great strength in a difficult arena.

    the comments are replicas of what goes on, on here.

    one stand out comment;

    Ask any muslim what infidel means to them and what their religion says they must do against them. I am sure you will not like the answers.
    1)They are told by their religion to convert the infidel.
    2) If they can not convert the infidel they must kill them.

    Sounds like a very fanatical religion all round if you ask me.


    However when one Muslim posts this as a comment on the video it doesn't really help matters:

    Munafiq (hypocrite). She is not one of us, but one of their punching bag. Even when she tried to get close to these polytheist crossworshipping filth - they humiliated her and did not even tolerate her question - that is the amount of envy and hatred that the hearts of crossworshippers, full of shirk kufr and hasad (envy) has for Muslims , the Pure Monotheist Believers - seeing her wearing the Hijaab was probably what drove that licentious ugly looking crossworshipping filth to such. If you are too dumb and weak minded to understand, then they will not accept you until you become a crossworshipper like them, or a munafiq and kaafir.

    And now, this, I'm only saying this to you as a mercy and as a pitty for your being so naive and letting yourself be humiliated like that - Repent and come back to your religion, if there is some Islam left in you, and never set your foot in such places ever again. You will never be accepted by the mushrikeen (polytheists) and kuffar (disbelievers), until they turn you back from your religion, and if you do that - then you have lost both this life and the Hereafter, and you will be in the Fire along with them, Khalideena Fiha (abiding therein forever).

    Do not let the life of this world deceive you, nor let its trials turn you into a kaafir or a munafiq. These jews and crossworshippers will be defeated in the life of this world, and in the Hereafter, they will all be gathered together to Jahannam (Hell-Fire). It is a promise binding upon your Lord that must be fulfilled. And by Allah Almighty, there will come a day on this earth when not a single cross will be allowed and not a single jew will tarry in it. And they will burn in the Fire forever.


    Personally I would be interested to know where this lady obtained her facts and figures. Muslim bashing is very 'on trend' at the moment. Certainly IS isn't helping matters at the moment. If we are intolerant we are no better than the intolerable.


    same video from the other point of view

  • Michael D Nalley
    10 years ago

    Make no mistake about it the talkative lady is a fox news contributor and her agenda is not peace but furthering a political agenda

  • Hellon
    10 years ago

    I actually thought the talkative lady (Bridgette Gabriel?) made some very good points...especially about throwing political correctness in the garbage where it belongs.

    I'm sick of pussyfooting around both on this site and in life...Australia and UK (I'm just naming both of these countries because, as a citizen of both, I know what I'm saying to be true) I know there are other countries involved. We have opened our doors to refugees...many of them displaced Arabs ...most of them muslims and, when they settle into my country they begin making demands on us...slowly we are beaten down because of this 'political correctness' and slowly they....refugees who should be grateful...are taking over...claiming benefits that...I as a citizen cannot access a tax payer have paid for already. There are so many facilities available to help these people assimilate and appears they don't want to....rather they built their mosques (funded by who knows?) a place that I'm not allowed entry to...although they are free to walk into other places of worship if they so wish....yeah....I could rabbit on but....suffice to say...political correctness needs to be addressed or we will all end up as whimps by a society that is just waiting to take over...

  • Sylvia
    10 years ago

    The same thing happens in the US so add that to the list of countries. It is amazing all the benefits they receive and don't have to become citizens. In California, they all non citizens to become attorneys. There is some discussion about allowing non citizens to vote. Political correctness is out of control and it does need to be addressed now.

  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    Sylvia, in US, who are receiving benefits and what type of benefits are you referring to?

  • Sylvia
    10 years ago

    I wasn't going to post this here in the particular topic but against my better judgment will. I want it to be clear that I am not singling out any particular group of people, they are non citizens of all nationalities. They receive food stamps, assistance with housing, medical coverage, basically all the benefits afforded to citizens of the US (this is not something I have assumed happens, friends work in state offices that process them for the benefits so I know it happens), in California (have to find the link) non citizens are being allowed to become attorneys.

    I don't intend to sound hard hearted but there is a process to follow for all peoples that want to come to the US and live and I have no problem with that and once they arrive, they get into the system for citizenship and the benefits of citizenship. I also have friends in the UK and Australia and can say that what Hellon has written is the same as what those friends tell me is happening in their countries.

    I think that perhaps making the benefits available to all non citizens lessens their desire to become citizens. Maybe it doesn't. I am associated everyday with people of all nationalities that came through the system and they now own businesses, have their homes paid for, their children in college or working for the family business and these people or I should say some of them feel the same way that I do. They followed the process and it worked.

    The entire process and system needs to be "fixed" and could be if both political parties in the US would get off their "rear ends", talk to each other, work out viable options and begin to put them in place. It can be done but most of the politicians, BOTH parties are guilty, are so afraid they might lose a vote over the issue that the do nothing.

    The US needs to govern the foreign aid that is given to countries to ensure that it goes to the people it is intended for and not to those crooks and cheats in their governments since it seems those governments can't do that themselves. This has nothing to do with the US taking over any country, just ensuring that the peoples of the country getting the aid, actually get it and get help. That would help these people who flee their countries to have a better life in their own countries but for some reason the US government seems content just handing out the money and burying their head in the sand when it comes time to account for how it was spent and to let the crooks get richer.

    EDIT: 1:55PM Before anyone tells me to pack my bags and leave the US because of my "ancestors" coming here from other countries, my ancestors were Native Americans, namely Cherokee so I won't be packing any bags or leaving. There is a reason for this statement because I have been told this before when I dared speak about the issue.

  • Michael D Nalley
    10 years ago

    It is a terrible thing that four Americans were killed by radical Moslems ,but it is also terrible the amount that are often killed by American citizens here