Another Saffie Challenge

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    Ok, I need a sign up list of people who will take part in this please.

    I will start it on Monday, and poems will be due in Friday for weekend voting.

    I will make a list of prompts, about 100 or so, depending on participants. There will be TWO SEPARATE CHALLENGES FOR THIS CONTEST!!

    1) you will pick any number of prompts for yourself, and write one poem.

    2) you will pick 5 prompts for another member, in which they will use to write their second poem.

    So each person will have to submit 2 poems.

    The two separate entries will be voted on separately, so there will be 2 winners of this contest.

    EDIT- Should have said, I will mark each of the prompts with a * once they have been chosen, so no one can use the same prompt twice. You will not be able to pick a prompt with a * next to it.

    So, who is up for this?


    Sign up:


  • Everlasting
    10 years ago

    Count me in :)

  • Kakera
    10 years ago

    I'm extremely uncertain as to how the logistics of this will be played out in practice, but I think I'm up for it!

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    It is really easy - maybe my explanation scared people... look at the example below:

    1. blue
    2. red
    3. a pink flower
    4. below the water
    5. jingle bells
    6. batman smells
    7. robin flew away
    8. santa got stuck in the chimney
    9. so he went on a diet
    10. and came shooting out the fire.

    OK - prompts will just be the usual title toss type lines I normally have. nothing complicated or scary.

    Sign up:


    Each player will pick any prompts they want for themselves, so Ben picks 1, Jerry picks 2,7,9, and Spoon picks 3, and 10.

    Then Ben will pick 5 prompts for Jerry, Jerry will pick 5 prompts for Spoon, who will then pick 5 prompts for Ben.

    So each player has to then write 2 poems. One from the prompts they picked themselves, and a second from the prompts they were challenged with.

    Each prompt will only be allowed to be picked once, I will then mark it so that no one else can pick it.

    It is basically like my NUMBER GAME, which many people enjoy, only people get to pick the prompts for you, instead of just the numbers!

    Any questions???

    Also, where is everyone???
    come on!!!

  • Kakera
    10 years ago

    Well, I'm going to assume that you've got an idea in mind on who picks the prompts for who for poem 2, since there's a limit in contrast to the number game. Maybe even make the 5 prompt picks anonymous to make it even more interesting due to a random element? Or maybe not. Anyway, that part right there was the logistics question I was wondering about earlier.

    Wouldn't it also be a tad bit more interesting if there's a minimum amount of prompts for poem 1, too? Maybe like 3 or something. Then again, that might scare people off. Then again also, it may not, considering poem 2 is bound to be a lot more scarier.

    Either way, it seems fun, so count me in.

  • Poet on the Piano
    10 years ago

    I'm in!

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    Lol Kakera,

    I ran this in my club, the way it is above, and it worked really well, with no complications.

    You do not HAVE to use all 5 prompts that someone gives you, you just try and use them the best you can. But, most people on here like the challenge of having to fit all five in. But as always, they are only prompts, you use them as you wish to.

    I am not making this type anonymous, or else it would be just the same as the number game really.

    I will see how this works. The poems from my club challenge were amazing!!!

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    Do I have to get my bribes out for people on this one?

  • Baby Rainbow
    10 years ago

    I am going to go ahead and start this, and everyone can join in when they see it is not as hard, or as complicated as it looks.