Don't know if this is silly

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    This is only quality of life stuff but in our news feed you should show poems that our favorites have nominated. It might get people to break out and read a few poems from other authors assuming they trust their favorite authors to enjoy good poetry. Might also get more people to start nominating...
    Also maybe we could have a news feed option that allows us to choose what we want in our news feed! Kind of like check mark boxes over like poems, comments, or whatever else. Maybe even certain people you have favorited?
    Again might be a bad idea... maybe even types of poems? Idk

  • Britt
    10 years ago

    These sound like a great idea! The newsfeed does show information from your "favorites" list -- anyone you have favorited, if they post or comment on a poem, these are highlighted in your feed.

    Any other changes must be done by Janis, site owner.. who unfortunately isn't around at all at this point. :(

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    I know that but I don't always want to see everyone at once haha but I'm not complaining. :3

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    I feel that their should be a way of deleting sent and received messages forever......
    Message box fills up due to prompt challenges. Voting and stuff.....

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    That's already on the list I believe

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Does this Janis person even come here?

  • Colm
    10 years ago

    Janis last made some changes in 2012 I think it was.