2 in one day (attempt to bring light at voting)

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    Currently voting is a near useless option (as is I, personally, would not be opposed to it disappearing and getting rid of it. All it currently does is allow everyone to 5/5 or to grief someone anonymously, it would probably take less coding to just remove) as it stands. We should add a "poem of the day" which can be chosen from said poem that receives the most / highest votes. I dont know what the algorithm should be for the site to randomly choose to. The poem of the day should be presented by being at the top of the news feed (along with the contest winners) having a poem hit potd (poem of the day) should show a potd button next to the poem signifying it has won once and cannot be put on front page again.

    Hmm I wonder how annoying my ideas are. I know the site updates on ce a week so no idea if this would be possible.

    Yes I know all these need Janis and are big site overhauls but I think the ideas should be considered.

    As far as voting goes either debate about how to improve it or get rid of it.
    Imo it makes the site look a little more sloppy then intended with a function that isn't used and imo that pushes new members away, we need to have the site look as nice as possible. I know it's dumb but our site could very well go under one day.... We could do this with quotes too..!

    Hmm maybe I'll stop my ideas, sorry for the long post

  • Poet on the Piano
    10 years ago

    I definitely think the idea of "Poem of the Day" or even month, week, year (like Colm proposed) is a neat inclusion.

    I think a lot of members on here would not be opposed to getting rid of the voting system, or changing it. I don't think it's needed or add anything helpful.

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    I just find that people don't like taking things away, so adding to generally makes more people happy.

    Sorry for all the really random stuff, I've been doing a lot more coding myself and I've been adding a lot of these features to other sites having fun x3

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    I actually like the voting as it is since it gives insight to what members really feel even if it's bad and trust me my poems have gotten a low rating and while I was upset at the end of the day it made me think what was wrong with it and I attempted to fix that problem, regarding the idea I would be against it, as I probably wouldn't really care.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    But Mark not everyone will comment and I'd rather have a vote without a comment than nothing at all. While I understand your point of view if you did that this website would be the same as Wattpad just more primitive and I love PQ but it has it's little quirks that makes it homey for me and that to me is the voting. I use both PQ and Wattpad to be honest I love the chatrooms there it's huge like you wouldn't believe and here in PQ it's more homey.

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    You people there on wattpad...I joined but I didn't understand that site much(actually I never tried to understand )...
    Your right mori ...I love this site for its home feeling and all the sweety nice people here.... :-D

    But I also agree the voting is useless... But it shouldn't be deleted.... I say in voting we should get to know who voted it.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    There's chatrooms for EVERYTHING and it's a lot more for the stories you can tag it in every category but I like PQ since it narrows it down to one category, it's just more simple to me. To the chatrooms it's quite interesting they have more than one "Mod" there since it's so large the place, there's rules too, and yea you get the point. There's ratings for your poetry that warns people what king it is from PG, to rated R, you have to write a summary of your poem/story if you want and you can make a cover for everything -.- not the best at it. Yet if you go to my page I would have a blue favorite's award there since I have 21 people following me *shrugs* what can I say it's advanced compared to here but I love this site more since again it's homely to me.

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Wowwww... Congo's mori ...
    I have sorta put up a poetry book there.. Although I hardly check it.... All my school friend suggested me that site but I don't know why I just stick to this one....

    Love PQ.

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    What's your name there? Mine's Morgana_Love what can I say? I love Morgana! She's awesome! :) and of course I have my pic there but I mostly use the chatroom since >.> I can't read ANYTHING and it's irritating to me since I love to read!!! -.- the only thing that's different is that you can't copy and paste to tell the author what's wrong with their poem or story they only thing that annoys me.

  • gumshuda
    10 years ago, updated 6 years ago

    Oh I never knew that we couldn't copy paste a poem in it... Thank God.. This might help my poem from avoiding plagiarism...
    I go with purvi Gadia for everything mori.... My book is 'aboard on the cloud'... You can check purvi Gadia on Google for all my poetry sites and every other thing I'm there on... You can stalk me there.. ;-)

    I guess we should avoid all the other site talk on this thread...

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    Idk I know it's a issue as is. I've seen plenty of people vote 1s for no reason. I dc what your vote is, I care about the comment and how to improve. I care how it relates to the reader. If your just going to vote on my poem I'd rather you didn't. There's no reason... now if it was to be tied into contests somehow that would be different, or like I said poem of the day /week. As is I don't even look at the voting option lol

  • Sandstorm
    9 years ago

    I agree, the voting system is rather basic and should probably be out of 10 so that voters can be a bit more critical. Also think a poem of the day is a great idea :)

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    I think a two part vote might be an improvement.
    First you vote 1 through 5,
    Then depending on your vote you select a choice that gives feedback.

    Say you hit 5.
    You are asked to choose (for example)
    __ poem is original
    __ poem is emotional
    __ poem is thought provoking
    __ poem is (etcetera)

    Or you hit 3
    __ poem needs grammatical help
    __ poem needs structure
    __ poem needs continuity
    And so forth

    A necessary change is the ability to change your vote if the author changes the poem