Chat and bots with other ideas (beating a dead horse)

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    Now I realize that y'all have said no chat a few times (and it takes programming) and b y'all say that you just can't get monitor it 24 / 7 but an idea (other then chat mods) would be simple bots. Depending on what's needed a person could complain to the bot, like a report, and with that it would do what ever was needed ( contact a mod or chat mod via pm, maybe if we decided to give permissions to certain members who was deemed trusting itd kick them from chat for an hour or something)

    Obviously I was a fan of chat back in the day. I miss it now but I met the coolest people in chat. Those of us who had no lives, we lived there. It was our hole :3

    Other ideas is banning people from chat altogether and running it strict since you don't have people watching all the time, you ban people from chat.much quicker since chat would essentially be a privilege.

    You could also set it so only senior members can access it to reduce spam and people prying on kids?

    I know I know, I'm beating a dead horse with not so very good ideas and ik y'all are sick of hearing about it
    But I miss it and chat would guarantee I'd never leave this place again... x3 yeah I'm bad ik.
    Also figure ideas would be good to throw out since if we get lucky we might get chat back.

  • John Doe
    10 years ago

    Okay now I really need to ask!! Do our suggestions bring about any change?? 'cause I have seen a lot of suggestions and no change.

  • Britt
    10 years ago

    Any suggestions that require any updates to the site format, including chats, changes to the website etc.. we cannot do without the owner, Janis. Janis doesn't come around. I think the last update was 2011?

    We put things on a to-do list for Janis in case he comes around. He will do what he wants and then disappears for another handful of years. :(

  • John Doe
    10 years ago

    It would be a pleasure to have him sometime now,wouldn't it!?

  • CuteThingsGoneWrong
    10 years ago

    It happens i write these to just put down my own thoughts on how id change my site at the current time of day. I like to continue to make suggestions so that in case they do come round. I know what i suggest wont probably ever come to be but it can create other ideas within the mod group and if it causes discussion then ive did my part

  • Italian Stallion
    9 years ago

    As Britt has aforementioned, a majority of updates can't be done due to the owner (Janis) not being here. When I was a Mod, I was working with him on setting up access for me to the site so I could implement necessary and help ideas. However, we never got around to finishing setting everything up. I've told the Mods and Janis several times that if they wanted the chat back, I would program it for them, but as of now, unfortunately they can't proceed or do anything with out Janis.

  • Solus
    9 years ago

    Has anyone thought of making their own site in parallel to this one? I realize it wouldn't be an easy thing to do, nor maybe the most ethical thing to do. But as it stands the mods and a few dedicated members are all that's holding this site together. It has been said before, but now it seems Poems & Quotes is indeed slowly fading away. Right now I don't intend to leave as I still enjoy reading the poems on here, but if member's feel as if the site doesn't support them, then why would they stay? I admit my question seems a bit extreme, but an owner who isn't here doesn't bode well for us....