Are You Ashamed of Your Scars?

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    Are you ashamed of your scars? Yes/no and why.

    Yes, I'm ashamed of my scars because it was a time where I was a teenager, I didn't do it for attention I did it because it was a way to cope, to transfer the pain away; one pain for another, that's what I thought. God if I could go back in time, I'd tell myself to get my s*** in order, quit dating losers cause it ain't gonna go nowhere, and to study hard because that college acceptance letter isn't going to be there if you don't. I have scars on my arms and legs and while it's been a while I can still see the scars and I hate them.

  • John Doe
    10 years ago

    I have a six inch scar on my right hand it's one long verical cut from near my wrist to elbow but I am not ashamed of it, no rather I am proud of it I have a bulllet mark on my lower right leg and 3 stich marks on my head all 2 inch long and all give me power I say to myself if I can endure this pain there's nothing that can destroy me I may go weak I may go frail but U never am shattered for these cracks hold me togeather.

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    My scars are fading but no of course I am not ashamed of them. They are there to tell me I'm a survivor

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    10 years ago

    Sometimes I am when people notice them because thats not who I am anymore and I don't like when they see more than I tell them but then I remind myself that I have no reason to feel shame in the least. I don't have to justify who I was or where I've been to anyone and each of my scars tells a story, a story of my strength for survive and still being here. For making it through things that almost took my life and being better and stronger for it :) I've learned to wear my scars with pride instead of shame because I've overcome :)

  • La Reina De Corazones
    10 years ago

    Awesome to each and every single one of you, I'm proud of you honey.

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    9 years ago

    Your scars are a part of who you are. I am never ashamed of them; rather, I'm proud. I know I didn't do it for attention. I did it because the adrenaline release cleared my head. It's the only thing that does, even though I don't cut now. I wish I could, but it's not "acceptable".
    But every scar is a memory. And every memory made me grow. And I am a survivor of manic depression and bipolar disorder - if they went through what I did, in my head alone, others wouldn't be able to handle it.
    My scars are proof I got through. Perhaps society says it's not right, yet at the same time you wouldn't understand unless you were there.

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    My scars have no faded, but I will always remember the day I quit cutting October 13th 2013

  • La Reina De Corazones
    9 years ago

    I can't remember when I stopped cutting but I do know that it's been 2yrs since I stopped.

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    That is really good hon!

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    My scars are not self-inflicted, but they each bear meaning and generally great pain.

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    9 years ago

    Larry you are right, every scar of any kind does have a meaning behind it if it's intentional or not! :)

    Also James thank you. I've been strong and the urge has gone away sometimes it resurfaces but the majority of the time it's gone! :)

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    Agreed, there are more than physical scars.

  • bequi
    9 years ago

    The physical scars for me is not a big deal. it can fade, go away and forgotten.
    but the event or the reason why i have that scars play a big role

    i have csection when i gave birth and i am proud of it

  • Solus
    9 years ago

    My scars are a double edged blade....they show I survived, but mark me as a freak as well.

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    I have cut recently again but I am not ashamed. My emotional scars are difficult to deal with though

  • La Reina De Corazones
    9 years ago

    3 years and I haven't cutted, proud of myself.

  • GB
    9 years ago


    Proud of you too, Mori ~

  • Poet on the Piano
    9 years ago

    Go, Mori! Recovery IS possible.

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    Well done!

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    Awesome job mori

  • Good Enough
    9 years ago

    My scars are still very viable and I have gotten tattoos to cover some of them... but I'm kinda proud of the scars I have. It means I survived a really hard and dark place in my life.

    I have been cut free for almost 3 years now and yes, there are rough days but I know I'll be a keureg to make it thru it strong.

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    Congrats on the 3 years clean, it is not an easy task to go through.

  • Brookie
    9 years ago

    I always relapse at 7months. I'm now only 3 days clean :/ bleh

  • donna
    9 years ago

    I am not ashamed of any of my scars. Had I not self harmed I would probably have been dead by now. I have not cut for almost 2 years but the urges have been strong recently. I am 40 years old now and if cutting stops me from killing myself I will do it again. I have to stay alive, I have 3 kids and a beautiful granddaughter and know it will kill them if I kill me. I am not proud of my scars but I am not ashamed.

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    I have been clean for over 2 years, or at least that's the last time I cut deeply.

  • Bob Shank
    9 years ago

    If you're ashamed of your outward scars, that means the ones inside you haven't even begun to heal yet.......

    never be ashamed or hold your head down from whence you've come, to do so would lose focus on where you are going.

  • NoHopeLeft
    9 years ago

    Its hard for me 2 say i haven't self harmed, I haven't cut for years but Ive thought about it.

    However I don't use cutting as a form of self harm any more but i get a tattoos to release the pressure.

    So would you call it self harming???

  • Poet on the Piano
    9 years ago

    Wise words, Bob. Healing must begin from the inside.

    And No Hope Left, that's great you've made it to the two year mark. Stay strong and never be afraid to reach out. What I've been learning is that we may have self-destructive thoughts or "bad" thoughts, but we can choose not to act on them. It's all about what we tell ourselves, what we let ourselves believe. Side note: I know there's been discussion about tattoos before but I think it's all in your intention. If you do it for art, because the tattoos mean something to you, then I don't think it's self-harm. But if it's for purposeful pain, then it is. All about intention in my mind.

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    Inner scars can be harder than outward scars

  • Bob Shank
    9 years ago

    Most oft it is the inner scars that create the outer ones, which only adds to the inner ones

  • BeautifulSoul
    9 years ago

    That is very true. It's just a vicious circle really

  • NoHopeLeft
    9 years ago

    Never be scared to ask for help.

  • donna
    9 years ago

    ^ agreed never be afraid to ask for help!

  • Once an Angel
    9 years ago

    Some days I am ashamed. I am a therapist now, and I feel like I should not have such open evidence of my struggle, when I am supposed to be the strong and safe place for my clients. Some days I am so glad I have them because they are a way to reach other people in pain, are a way to communicate that I do not judge them for their agony, that I can meet them there. I tried to get surgery to remove them at some point - I am glad I didn't go through with it, since every now and then a few more show up. I look forward to times and days when a razor blade does not fill me with such excited dread. Best to you all,

  • Em
    8 years ago

    I suffer from emotional scars not physical scars and it's hard to deal with them because every so often they seem to appear like the west wind or something and it's hard to shake them off.

  • Milly Hayward
    8 years ago

    I have several medical scars from accidents and operations that I am not ashamed of just conscious of them.

  • Azrael
    8 years ago

    Scars are tattoos with a story to tell....

  • Robert Long
    7 years ago, updated 7 years ago

    I'm not completely ashamed but at same time I am. I mean the scars that you have are like battles you lost but for each one that doesn't kill you makes you that much stronger and proves you can win the war still. I'm also ashamed because to feel alone like I did to the point I started cutting should've never happened because when I finally opened my eyes to the people I was hurting by cutting I finally understood how many people cared. As someone who's been through it...there is always someone who just have to find them

  • Aiko (Dreamsurfer)
    4 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    No, am not ashamed of all my scars because they are permanent, more beautiful than tattoos! They remind me of old friends and events.