Lisa Reed
21 years ago
Everybody is welcome to view their own opinion.....its called free speech James.........its just not everybody agree's with what other people think and obviously this is the case with you and relax and you stick to what you believe in and others will do the same hehe........take it easy. |
hayley williams
21 years ago
hey guys, my best friend mark is gay and he read the poem in question and he took no offence! he understands that every1 has there own opinion and he too has strong views on certain subjects. wouldnt the world be a boring place if we all thought the same? |
Künstliche Welten
21 years ago
i can't say i've read the poem myself, but there is a difference between free speech and just being crude. sure, you've got the quote-unquote 'right' to say or do anything, but that does not justify anything. |