About Writer's block

  • GB
    9 years ago

    Have you ever started writing a poem and could never finish it?

  • Sam
    9 years ago


    A wise one, he is :P

    Yeah, I have some that are not finished and that will probably never be finished :/ it is hard for me because when I was writing it, I felt something at that time, and sometimes its not possible to feel that way again. It is weird describing it.

  • GB
    9 years ago

    I agree. When I find difficulty finishing an old poem, my head aches, because of the failure to create the same poetic atmosphere.

    ~rolling eyes

  • Larry Chamberlin
    9 years ago

    I can rewrite a completed poem, but for the life of me I have not succeeded in finishing a poem I left partway through.

    I'm not the person who started it, I don't have the same thoughts or attitude or even belief system any more. Not from a year ago.

  • Dark Secrets
    9 years ago

    Yup... lots
    Sometimes I'd write multiple unfinished poems. Then, I'd either go back to them, take the stanza's or lines that I like and either mix them with others to make a full poem, or add to them.

  • Alex
    9 years ago

    I write a poem and then delete it/ throw it away, discard of it... always.

    I just feel that what I am writing isn't nearly coming close as to what I am thinking/feeling.
    I cant seem to get it out.

  • GB
    9 years ago

    ^ Try this: write 5 words describe how you feel
    the next day write 10 words
    on the third day try to connect these words... It's a great trick!

  • bequi
    9 years ago

    No note really

    coz when i got totally block, i cant write at all... it took another 6years before i was able to create a poem