An entire course of evolution

  • Yakari Gabriel
    9 years ago

    I saw this on tumblr and fell in love, so i thought maybe i should share this!

    "An entire course of evolution, taught by a single survivor"
    Meggie Royer

    This is what I want the audience of this poem to know:
    I was inside his bed for a long, long time
    the way black bears hibernate in winter
    and when I left I took all the people I could have been
    before he forced my body onto his
    with me.
    Scientists doubt that Eve enjoyed
    being reincarnated from Adam's rib
    Scientists don't know how to explain
    how birds can swallow wedding rings
    and their flight is left unaffected.
    I went home to my kitchen and baked
    a dozen loaves of sourdough bread,
    kneaded like it was needed, like kneading
    could punch out the sorrow.
    There was nothing I wanted but to swallow the rage
    like mourning doves do with wedding rings
    and return to living as normal
    with the wings I had before.
    There is something else I want the audience of this poem to know:
    the bread burnt
    I couldn't swallow the rage
    I took a shower even though all the cop shows advise not to
    because it destroys the evidence.
    I think this string of heartbeats that pulses out of sync
    and ties itself into a noose
    every time I walk past his neighborhood
    is evidence enough.

  • Britt
    9 years ago

    Yaki, thank you so much for sharing this. I currently can relate to this on a very deep level. This is beautiful.

  • Yakari Gabriel
    9 years ago

    I know right,

    i almost lost my breath while reading

    i wanna kiss myself for my ability to find good poems lmao

  • Yakari Gabriel
    9 years ago

    I also feel like this poem is soooo something Warsan Shire would write.

  • Britt
    9 years ago

    I've been reading little snippets from Christopher Poindexter on pinterest and have been totally in love with a lot of his work!

    YES, I thought it was Warsan at first -- very Shire-Style!

  • Yakari Gabriel
    9 years ago

    Feel the need to see if i find more on this Meggie Rogers

    maybe she has more gems